Moving toward the future

Samantha Bambino
Bristol Times
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2017

Local valedictorian, Hetvi Patel, reflects on her four years of memories

By Samantha Bambino

The Times

High school graduation is a bittersweet time. Teens say goodbye to friends and teachers and prepare for what lies ahead, whether it’s college, traveling or working. It’s also a time to reflect on those four years, and Bensalem High School’s valedictorian, Hetvi Patel, is taking away countless memories that will last a lifetime.

Throughout her high school career, Patel was extremely involved beyond the classroom. Though she says it feels great to be valedictorian and is proud to have received the honor, it didn’t happen overnight. It was something she had been building toward for four years, working hard every single day.

Shining star: Bensalem High School valedictorian Hetvi Patel smiles with Principal William Ferrara (left) and Superintendent Sam Lee.

Patel’s extracurricular activities include everything from being president of the Bensalem High School Community Service group, to membership in the National Honor Society and mock trial club. Balancing these activities, social life and school work was a challenge, but according to Patel, it was all about passion and time management.

“I didn’t mind as long as it was something I loved,” she said.

As far as saying goodbye to the school she called home for four years, Patel says the quick approach of graduation is “bittersweet,” but she is more excited than anything else. In the fall, she will be attending the University of Pittsburgh to major in biology, the first step to eventually starting a pre-med program.

At Bensalem’s graduation on June 12, Patel will address her classmates in her prepared valedictorian speech. On stage, she will stress the impact they can all make in the community and the world going forth into their careers and future endeavors.

For incoming freshmen, who may be nervous and unsure of how to get their footing in the strange new world of high school, Patel has some words of advice.

“Get involved. Join a club that really interests you,” she said. “That’s what makes your high school years fun and memorable.” ••

