Evil exists, but so Does Good

Brittany Thornton
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2020
Good vs Evil

The question of why evil exists has been asked for ages, and many answers have been given in repsonse. The short and to the point answer is that no one actually knows the true reason why evil exists, it may be a question that no one has a definite answer to, but all the answers to that question are probable.

One that many Christians believe, and myself included is because of Genesis in the Bible. God made man in his image, perfect. That changed when Satan persuaded Eve to eat the apple and had Eve convince Adam to eat it as well. The apple could be considered the root of all evil because once the apple was eaten so was sin.

Other popular answers include evil exists because we exist and evil exists so good can exist. I don’t believe people are bad, but that they are generally good. Despite there being good in the world, there are evil people living among us. Evil and goodness are taught a lot of the time, there are exceptions. Some people are taught to give to the community, help people, be kind, stand up for what is right. While others are taught to steal, bully, and disrespect people. However, it’s also not taught, it could be their decisions coming into play as well.

Evil and good could also go hand in hand. While people generally think stealing is bad, but if someone is stealing food for their family, wouldn’t that be considered good despite seeing stealing as evil? You can’t have good without evil and you can’t have evil without good.

Good people exist and evil people exist, also evil disasters we can’t control such as earth quakes and hurricanes also exist.While we may never know why evil truly exists and if this is what God intended. God has a plan for everyone and while he said he can’t control what we do because he did give us freewill, he always has something in store in each one of our stories. Whether that’s to teach us a lesson, reward us, punish us, whatever it is there is one thing for certain…Good will prevail.

