Importance of stories

Jessica Torres
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2020

Stories can be read, spoken, seen, heard and even touched. We tell stories about everything, even stories that are not our own and that’s the fun part of a story, everyone can tell the same story differently depending on their perspective. The General Prologue from The Canterbury Tales interprets different characters in the story. Every character has different characteristics and way of living.

By people having different experiences we can interpret the stories differently. For example, a fisherman can tell a story about fishes and rivers with so much intensity and care that the listener will noticed and will appreciate the story more. On the other hand if a football player tells the story of the fish and rivers it would sound differently. I don’t think stories are the only important part but also who tells the story.

Stories are important because it can tell us about how and why the people are the way they are. But also stories can tell us how the past was and how people lived back then and the reason we know so much about our ancestors. without stories humans would be so naive and wouldn’t be able to see the progression we have made and the errors we have done in the past. Of course our stories have changed with time, now days we tell stories differently but at the same time similar. We still tell stories writing or drawing but we have the technology to tell our story faster and for more people to listen to it. Before stories will come to you from a second perspective, now days you can post a story and see the origin of the story without changes.

“But how could you live and have no story to tell?”
 ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, White Nights
“But how could you live and have no story to tell?”
Fyodor Dostoevsky, White Nights

