Paradise Lost: Good vs Evil

Chelsea Olivo
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020

Paradise Lost by John Milton is a poem consisting of several books portraying the theme of good versus evil. The theme good versus evil is a classic theme used in multiple movies, shows, books, and stories. When we first think of the idea we think of superhero movies with heroes versus villains. An example of this would be a movie like The Avengers. All the Avengers are the hereos in this movie fighting the villains. The movie follows the theme of a group of hereos fighting a villian and coming close to facing defeat, but their power as a team always wins. In the end they use their good to build relationships, work together, and defeat the evil and save the people.

The movie Maleficent is the story of a young women of pure heart who becomes the greatest protector, but a betrayal hardens her turning her into a villain who curses the kings newborn daughter Aurora. Just like in Paradise Lost, the Devil was once an Angel. In the movie, Maleficent turns into an evil who people feared. In the beginning of the movie, Maleficent was surrounded by darkness and hatred, but throughout the movie as she builds a relationship with Aurora she soon realizes that Aurora is the key to peace in the kingdom. Aurora brings love, kindness, and good to Maleficent showing that in the end the good will always prevail.

