Stories and Stuff

Noah Chaney
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2020

The ability to tell a story is probably one of the greatest things a human can do. Telling a story is the ultimate icebreaker and totally cancels out any “awkwardness” of a conversation, unless your stories are kinda creepy. Anyways, when looking back I realized that most of my conversations with friends or strangers are mostly comprise of stories. They usually start out with phrases like “I remember this one time...”, “This reminds me of...”, or “Dude, I didn’t tell you!?!?”.

Much like in “The Canterbury Tales” these stories are all told by different people so even though these stories all start out the same, they all turn out different. Stories are important because not only are they good way of passing the time, they can also be used as a learning tool for reflection. Marc Maron is a comedian best known for writing the show “GLOW” on Netflix and his “WTF podcast”. Marc Maron’s podcast is much like Joe Rogan’s in the sense that its just like hanging out with someone. There’s no political agenda or message to be heard, just a two or more people sitting back smoking a cigar and talking. One of the greatest thing about these podcasts is the listener’s ability to learn from these. One that sticks to my mind is Marc Maron’s podcast with Louis CK where a number of stories come up like the time Louis CK met Marc Maron for the first time. There was a story where Louis and Marc found some computer on the streets in NYC, Louis fixed it and they basically learned about some random guy’s whole life story. There’s also the story that Louis CK tells about experiencing child birth and having a daughter and talks about how he learns more about himself through his kid than anything else he’s ever done in his life.

I could go on and on but I’m just going to put an embedded link above. I really recommend you check this one out despite Louis CK’s creepy acts because you realize that at the end of the day, he’s juts a comedian trying to do what he loves for who he loves.

