The idea of Opposites

Sophia Fox
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2020

A well-known symbol of evil has been Voldemort from the Harry Potter series. Like Satan, he wants to steal, kill, and destroy all that is good in the wizarding world. Only Harry Potter stood in his way of obtaining immortality and all the power.

At the end of the series, Harry breaks the Elder wand which symbolizes good. He did not seek any power and wanted a more normal life. He is the opposite of Voldemort in that he didn’t want to rise up with immortality. Through that, he gained his fame.

Cinderella is a character that experienced both misery and happiness. This image represents misery because she is alone and must do whatever her stepmother and sisters say. She cleans all day and every day and never gets to enjoy herself.

Towards the end when she meets her prince and they get married, Cinderella is a symbol of happiness in that she can enjoy herself and is not forced to do anything for her stepfamily anymore.

Gaston wants to take vengeance on the beast because he thinks that is the only thing standing in his way to getting Belle. He sees the beast more as a threat even though he is way more than that. All he saw was his outer looks and as a monster.

Even though the beast imprisoned her, Belle showed him mercy and got to know the real him. Belle saw the goodness in his heart and loved him regardless of the outer.

When someone gets an A on an exam or an assignment, you feel a sense of pride and joy. It makes you feel good because it validates your hard work along with your dedication to that hard work you put in.

When you don’t study as hard as you should have or at all, receiving an F can bring you down, thereby feeling sadness and shame. Knowing that you could have done much more, you don’t feel good about yourself.

A classic example of apathy would be Elle Woods after Warner broke up with her. She felt that her life was basically over, especially in the scene shown above. She’s throwing a box full of chocolates at the movie saying that the man in love is a liar and that he doesn’t mean it at all. In all, she is showing that she doesn’t care about anything anymore.

Also, she shows the concept of passion, especially in the classic scene of her very energetic graduation speech at Harvard Law school. While she was down by the breakup, she found something that she could be passionate about and a way to prove how serious she was. While her reasons for doing so in that she wanted to prove to her ex she was serious were not the best, this message of passion is important in that everyone has a passion that motivates them to do their best and looks for that “We did it!” moment in their lives.

