Why Does Evil Exist

Noah Chaney
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2020

The honest and sad truth of this world is the fact that evil exists and it unfortunately, will never go away. Whether it’s taught or even just a mindset from an uncivilized stone age world, evil thoughts still kick the back of our brains and most of the time it is because we just want what’s best for ourselves. For example, at the start of this whole global pandemic everybody and their grandmother RAN to stores across the country and stockpiled toilet paper. This act of selfishness by a great percentage of the population was probably done because people are scared, they have families to look out for, and they just want to survive. So now I’m thinking there are two different levels of evil. Level one I’ll call Idiocy because that consists of dumb masses fighting over stupid things like meat, toilet paper, or if you should wear a mask or not. This kind of evil is just annoying and I feel those kind of issues can fix themselves much like boot camp where the strong survive and persevere while the weak just fade out. Then there’s the level 2 two of evil; people like Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, and Derek Chauvin. Theses people were so evil they changed the world. Osama Bin Laden(not directly) changed the idea of privacy in America. Hitler committed mass genocide against an entire race of people and tried to create the “perfect race”. Derek Cauvin is the piece of shit who sat on George Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as he watched his life fade away and because of him our country hasn’t been this divided in a long time. As crazy and fucked up as these people are, they’re here for a reason. They’re here to remind us what not to be, to be better than them, to be willing to learn and admit at one point we we’re wrong because that’s human nature. In this crazy world we have to start living together rather than just with each other and if there’s unjust talk about it. If someone doesn’t agree don’t oust them and shun them from society talk about it and keep an open mind, give them perspective as to why they might be wrong because if all we do is cancel racists and homophobes they’ll become more resentful and keep it bellowing inside rather than let it out once and learn why that’s wrong. If you wanna discuss some more or feel like I’m wrong let me know with a email: noah.chaney99@gmail.com thanks for reading if ya did!

