Why Does Evil Exist?

Chelsea Olivo
Brit Lit 2322
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2020


Evil is the absence of good and without the contrast between good and bad, choosing good would be rather meaningless. Humans are freely allowed to choose between good and bad, but the presence of evil is necessary in order to change our world.

So what is the purpose of evil and does it exist? Evil exists all around us in natural or moral evils. It can come in forms of natural disasters or extreme evils like violent human acts. We are all involved in evil and need to be led away from it in order to progress. I believe evil exists in order to maintain the balance between good and bad. Everyone has their own perspective on what is evil and what is not because it can come in different forms and levels. For example, a violent act like a shooting or a murder is a moral form of evil, but so is being selfish. Now an individual could say being selfish isn’t that bad and just mean, but it is still a form of being evil. That’s why I believe we are all involved in evil because of how tempting simple acts like being selfish can be. Greed, selfishness, and hatred are present in every society, but it allows us to choose the good and create change in ourselves and our world. Evil exists in order for us to do better and be better. If God wanted for us to live in a perfect world he would not have allowed the idea of evil, but I believe it serves its purpose to show us how bad the world can be and to learn from it. If we lived in a perfect world with no balance between good versus bad how are we supposed to know what is good or bad? Life is not perfect, but once we begin to accept the imperfections and temptations that come with it we can work and learn to make things better.

