BEI Weekly Update — 17th June 2022

The calendar of upcoming events and a weekly update from BEI


Dear Members and Friends,

As the heat has risen through the week, we have been delighted to host the first half of our ‘Meet the Ambassadors’ series. To date we have conducted seven regional sessions covering West Africa, Middle East (GCC), The Caribbean, East and Central Africa, Latin America, North Africa and Central Asia.

Already we have heard about the rich and varied opportunities open to British businesses across a wide variety of areas, including Infrastructure, Education and Climate related areas as well as brief insights on development priorities where countries have ODA budgets. What is clear is that the recovery from the pandemic is seeing a return to economic growth but that the pace of this growth varies significantly.

Next week, our series continues with a further five regional events. On 21st June — South Asia and Southern Africa, on 22nd June — Southeast Asia and Middle East (non-GCC), and finally on 23rd June — Western Balkans. Whilst we are likely to see some disruption next week as a result of the planned Industrial Action, this will have no impact on the virtual events in this series. We look forward to another fascinating week.

We are now deep into our Summer Programme, and we have a rich and varied mix of events — both virtual and in person — coming up before the end of July.

On 28th June, we look forward to hosting Andrew Mace, Senior UK Government Relations Officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for an in person briefing on the Foundation’s work in “Creating Opportunities for Healthy Productive Lives”. For 20 years, the Foundation has been committed to fighting the greatest inequalities in the world, working together with businesses, government, and non-profits, with each partner playing a role in accelerating progress. The presentation will share insights on how UK organisations can work with the Foundation in delivering their work.

On 28th June, we also look forward to welcoming Bim Afolami MP for an in-person lunch and discussion on Financing the Future: Insights into Mobilising Climate Finance. He will explore how the government and private sector can improve on mobilising, accessing, and delivering climate finance to emerging and frontier markets.

On 29th June we will be hosting an education webinar on the latest release of the report Mind the Gap 2. Seeking Safe and Sustainable Solutions for Girls’ Education in Crises. This was commissioned by the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) and authored by BEI members Education Development Trust (EDT) covering three key themes: the digital divide; gender-based violence (GBV) and girls’ education; and girls’ education and climate change.

As we head into July, we look forward to a series of events.

On July 4th, BEI host H.E. James Sharp, British Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan, and representatives from the Republic of Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and BP, for a Market Opportunities Overview event — Doing Business in Azerbaijan. Whilst stable growth has continued over the past few quarters, the war in Ukraine has brought unwelcome attention to the region, largely due to historical links with Russia. However, over the past number of years, Azerbaijan has made significant political and regulatory reforms and increased the attractiveness and competitiveness of the country. In this event, we will hear about the current business environment and why now is the time for UK companies to do business with Azerbaijan, due to the multitude of opportunities it provides in sectors such as energy, education and healthcare, as well as notable infrastructure opportunities in the liberated territories.

On 5th July, we will be hosting an in-person panel discussion entitled Global Crises & Emergencies — UK Capability and Experience. UK actors have a strong track record in responding to global emergencies and crises and we will be joined by speakers from Crown Agents Bank, Palladium, Axiom International, and Crown Agents. The panel will share their experiences, lessons learnt and encourage debate on some of the practical actions that can be taken to ensure more effective responses in future. During the discussion we will encourage participants to also share some of their own experiences, challenges and how UK’s approach can be more effectively coordinated.

On 6th July, we will be joined by representatives from the Department of International Trade (DIT) in Ghana as we host a Ghana Deep Dive, focusing on the country’s climate priorities. The DIT team will present on Ghana’s focus on climate resilience and adaptation, and the pipeline of climate-related opportunities in the country. The event will provide a climate related sectoral insight into market opportunities and specifically, where UK exporters can best provide solutions to the impacts of climate change. — Ghana Deep Dive — Market Opportunities.

On 7th July, join us for an in-person event In conversation with Stefan Dercon, most recently Development Policy Advisor to successive Foreign Secretaries at the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) between 2020 and 2022, as he shares insights from his recently published book, “Gambling on Development: Why Some Countries Win and Others Lose”. He will probe into how he believes development has been achieved across the world, and share perspectives on why some countries have prospered, while others have failed?

On 14th July, join us for a Lunch with Ambassador of Kyrgyz Republic to the United Kingdom, H.E. Ulan Djusupov. This event will provide an opportunity to meet the new Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Kingdom and get a brief on the political and economic situation and an overview of current export and investment opportunities in Kyrgyzstan.

It’s a very busy period ahead, and we look forward to an increasing number of in person and hybrid events where we will be able to catch up in person with many of you.

Finally, it sadly looks as if the week’s warm weather will be breaking at the weekend, but I hope this will not limit you from a relaxing and restful time.

With Best Wishes

Derrick Sanyahumbi
Chief Executive Officer
British Expertise International

Don’t forget…

See our full events programme here, and to enquire about becoming a member of BEI, register your interest here.

Join our Working Groups — as part of our member focus, the working groups offer opportunities for peer-to-peer engagement, learning & sharing, profiling expertise & capabilities and highlighting thought leadership. Groups include Climate Change, Education and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and we also support a Safeguarding Leads Network. For details please contact Joe McLynn.

Join our LinkedIn Group and keep up with our news and our upcoming events highlights. Members can also post and share latest news and thought leadership. Join the group here.

Upcoming Events

For any event registration support please contact the events team. Click on titles to access full event details. The full calendar of events can be viewed here.

21st June — Meet the Ambassadors: South Asia

21st June — Meet the Ambassadors: Southern Africa

22nd June — Meet The Ambassadors: Southeast Asia

22nd June — Meet The Ambassadors: Middle East (non-GCC)

23rd June — Meet the Ambassadors: Western Balkans

28th June — Creating Opportunities for Healthy Productive Lives: Gates Foundation

28th June — Financing the Future: Insights into Mobilising Climate Finance

29th June — Mind the Gap 2. Seeking Safe and Sustainable Solutions for Girls’ Education in Crises

4th July — Doing business in Azerbaijan

5th July — Global Crises & Emergencies — UK Capability and Experience

6th July — Ghana Deep Dive — Market Opportunities

7th July — Gambling on Development — In Conversation with Stefan Dercon

14th July — Lunch with Ambassador of Kyrgyz Republic to the United Kingdom

External News & Events

28th June — The Saudi British Joint Business Council (SBJBC) is hosting a half-day Renewable Energy Forum in London on 28 June 2022 in partnership with the Lord Mayor and City of London. For further information or to register your interest please contact Cordelia Begbie at or visit the SBJBC Events Page.

28th — 29th September — Field Electronics and Sensors Training: The one-day BEGINNER course will give you an introduction to electronics as applied to environmental sensors in the field. The one-day ADVANCED course will build on the Beginners course and Learners will gain advanced knowledge on data logging systems, sensors, communication protocols and remote data downloading. Find more details HERE.

Date TBC — The Government of Jamaica intends to commission the construction of a new Parliament building. JAMPRO intends to host a webinar to explain the opportunity — date to be confirmed and will share with members. Please see below details: ePPS — View Competition details (

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