BEI Weekly Update — 26th August 2022

The calendar of upcoming events and a weekly update from BEI


Dear Members and Friends,

I hope you have had, and continue to have a great summer break. With next week heralding the start of September, I wanted to share with you some of the details of our programme that have been added to the website from September onwards. There will be much more to come in what I think is a very exciting and wide-ranging programme. For now, we have the following already confirmed and available for you to register.

Our programme starts back with the next in our series of meetings with the Country Development Directors from the FCDO. On September 7th, we will be joined by FCDO Development Director for Ethiopia, Paul Walters, as he shares insights on UK’s development support priorities for the country and how these align to the UK government’s International Development Strategy. Whilst the share of people living below the poverty line has decreased significantly over the last few years and with human development indicators having improved, there are still rising inequalities.

We have a number of sessions planned with Regional Development Banks between now and the end of the year. These start with our annual session in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), UK Department for International Trade, and the UK-ASEAN Business Council with two events in September. The first session in this year’s ADB Virtual Business Opportunity Seminar is on September 14th and will cover opportunities in Energy, Healthcare and Education. The second session will be held on 21st September and will cover opportunities in Urban Development, Climate Resilience, Transport, and Public-Private Partnerships. This event series provides insights on the Asian Development Bank’s key sector plans, a forward look on their business pipelines and opportunities, and updates on ADB’s procurement policies.

On September 14th, we look forward to hosting Simon Penney, Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan (MEAP) and Consul General to Dubai for lunch. Simon will share insights on one of the most important and diverse regions for UK Trade with huge opportunities in infrastructure and other sectors.

On September 15th we will be joined by FCDO Development Director for Yemen, Chris Bold, as he shares insights on UK’s development support priorities for Yemen and how these align to the UK government’s International Development Strategy.

Also on September 15th, join us for an event titled ‘Nature Holds the Key: Exploring the Use of Nature-based Solutions to Combat the Climate Crisis’, which will discuss the potential of nature-based solutions in climate adaptation and resilience and showcase the increasingly significant UK export offer in this space. This is based on the report issued by our Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Working Group examining the product of NbS as a UK export. Showcasing a range of case studies from all members of the group, the report emphasised the need to increase the awareness of NbS as both an important tool in tackling the impacts of climate change, and also as a UK export to emerging and developing economies.

On Thursday 22nd September, join us for a presentation by FCDO Development Director for Bangladesh, Matt Cannell, as he shares insights on the UK’s development support priorities for Bangladesh and how these align to the UK government’s International Development Strategy.

On 26th September, we look forward to hosting Alexander Milne, the DIT Country Director for an in-person Market Opportunity Overview. The UK and Kenya have a strong history and well-established trading relationship. In this session we will explore the implications of the recent regime change, key opportunities and practical experiences of UK companies doing business in Kenya.

On 28th September, we are delighted to welcome the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) for an in-person briefing on their work. AKF focuses on a range of integrated, innovative and gender sensitive interventions in agriculture and food security; civil society; climate resilience; early childhood development; education; health and nutrition; and work and enterprise.

Also on 28th September, join us for a conversation on the key highlights and insights from the 2022 Aid Transparency Index with Gary Forster, CEO of Publish What You Fund. The Index measures the transparency of the spending and activities of 50 major development organisations, including donor governments, multilateral organisations and development finance institutions.

Heading into October, on the 5th of the month, join us for lunch with Sir Suma Chakrabarti, Chair of the Board of Trustees of ODI and formerly the President of the EBRD, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Permanent Secretary at DfID. With the world facing a series of existential threats around climate, supply chain resilience and economic well-being, Sir Suma will share his thoughts on the future landscape of development, both in the UK and globally.

On 6th October, we will begin a series of events that explore the challenges and opportunities of energy transition and alternative energy systems. We start with a session with Carbon Tracker, as we discuss the future of Energy Transition, and the potential impact of the climate crisis on financial markets — now and in the future.

On 11th October, join us for a presentation by FCDO Development Director, Amanda McLoughlin, who will share insights on UK’s development support priorities for Indonesia and how these align to the UK government’s International Development Strategy.

We have also confirmed the next in our ‘Meet The Trade Envoy’ series with a members-only private briefing and roundtable with Darren Henry MP, Trade Envoy to the Caribbean. As Trade Envoy, Darren Henry is responsible for the support of British trade and investment goals, promoting the Caribbean as a good place for UK companies to do business in, and encouraging businesses in the region to use the new CARIFORUM (CF)-UK Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).

We are very excited about the programme and have a number of additional sessions that will be confirmed in the coming weeks — I will continue to update you in this weekly message about the new events that have been added.

We very much look forward to connecting again after the summer break, and look forward to the opportunity to connect in person again in the very near future.

With Best Wishes

Derrick Sanyahumbi
Chief Executive Officer
British Expertise International

Don’t forget…

See our full events programme here, and to enquire about becoming a member of BEI, register your interest here.

Join our Working Groups — as part of our member focus, the working groups offer opportunities for peer-to-peer engagement, learning & sharing, profiling expertise & capabilities and highlighting thought leadership. Groups include Climate Change, Education, and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and we also support a Safeguarding Leads Network. For details, please contact our events team.

Join our LinkedIn Group and keep up with our news and our upcoming events highlights. Members can also post and share latest news and thought leadership. Join the group here.

Upcoming Events

For any event registration support please contact the events team. Click on titles to access full event details.

7th September — FCDO Ethiopia: Development Priorities

14th September — Middle East Opportunities for UK Business with HM Trade commissioner Simon Penney

14th September — ADB Virtual Business Opportunity Seminar 1: Energy, Healthcare, Education

15th September — FCDO Yemen: Development Priorities

15th September — Nature Holds the Key: Exploring the Use of Nature-based Solutions to Combat the Climate Crisis

21st September — ADB Virtual Business Opportunity Seminar 2: Urban Development, Climate Resilience, Transport, PPP

22nd September — FCDO Bangladesh: Development Priorities

26th September — Market Opportunity Overview: Kenya

28th September — The Aga Khan Foundation

28th September — The Aid Transparency Index 2022

5th October — The Future of U.K. and Global Development: Institutions, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities — A Lunch with Sir Suma Chakrabarti

6th October — The Energy Transition: In conversation with Carbon Tracker

11th October — FCDO Indonesia: Development Priorities

1st November — Meet Darren Henry MP, Trade Envoy to the Caribbean (12 Commonwealth countries)

External News & Events

15th September — 2nd Arab British Economic Summit. ABES 2022 will bring together senior government officials, ministers, diplomats, executives, investors and decision makers from the public and private sectors of the UK and the 22 Arab countries. It is a forum that attracts high calibre speakers who share their wealth of expertise and experience with the global audience of business owners, investors and exporters. ABES 2022 is organised by the Arab British Chamber of Commerce, a trusted champion of the Arab-British partnership and an influential voice for business within the UK and Arab World. For more details, click here:

28th — 29th September — Field Electronics and Sensors Training: the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) one-day BEGINNER course will give participants an introduction to electronics as applied to environmental sensors in the field. The one-day ADVANCED course will build on the Beginners course and Learners will gain advanced knowledge on data logging systems, sensors, communication protocols and remote data downloading. Find more details HERE.

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