Brixby, a decentralised transportation app, starts two bounty campaigns

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2018

July 6, 2018

Brixby (, a blockchain based transportation app, that will utilize the Ethereum network, today announced the launch of two bounty campaignsto reward its supporters. The campaigns are rather different, one aimed at bitcointalk and telegram, while the other at Brixby service, so that each supporter may choose what suits him/her the best or opt to participate in both activities.

Brixby service bounty: This campaign aims to bring the launch of Brixby service closer. The participants of this bounty will add parking locations in Brixby target markets to the marketplace filling in a web form. The task is very straight forward and does not require the participants to have any special knowledge or skills. After the data is submitted by a participant, it will be verified by Brixby team. If the information is correct, the participant will get his/her reward. For more details and instructions,

Daniil Titarenko, CEO & co-founder of Brixby: “We are now ready to start out bounty campaigns and more actively promote the project. Both campaigns have their own goals, but we are particularly excited that the bounty campaign will allow us add parking locations to our marketplace. This brings us a bit closer to being able to offer the service in our target markets. Once the marketplace is populated with the parking location data, Brixby team will work with parking operators in order to offer the service in the added locations. The rewards that we offer to our supporters are rather generous and we already have a lot of interest towards this campaign.”

About Brixby

Brixby is a marketplace that brings together people who want to rent, park, and charge their (electric) cars and asset owners of any size who are ready to offer those services, in one easy-to-use Brixby app. Brixby will provide a decentralized blockchain-based marketplace, where each transaction is confirmed. Transportation services are in high demand, due to the growth of cities and increases in population. It is a USD 74+ BN market, that will only grow in the years to come, which is ready for innovation and transparency. The Brixby team has successfully implemented similar services and is now taking on this global challenge.

To learn more about Brixby, please visit

