
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2017
Welcome to Brixby!

A few months ago, we started active development of Brixby — blockchain based imarketplace that brings together people who want to rent, park, and charge their (electric) cars and asset owners who are ready to offer those services, in one easy-to-use Brixby app.

Why are we creating Brixby?

Transportation services are in high demand, due to the growth of cities and increases in population. It is a USD 74+ BN market, which is ready for innovation and transparency. Old centralised methods, where municipalities were able to manage all of a city’s transportation needs, do not work in this new environment due to lack of funding, constantly increasing size of cities, and inefficiencies. Rapid growth of cities, especially in poor regions, requires new solutions, such as Brixby, which are quick and easy to implement and do not require huge financial investments.

Brixby will provide a decentralised blockchain based space, where each transaction is confirmed.

Brixby will:

1. Provide transportation service operators with new tools for efficient and modern asset management for BRICKs tokens. Being listed on a global service map will make it possible to attract more clients.

2. Provide urban dwellers with information about the availability of transportation services and payment methods in an easy-to-use, accessible format, on their smartphones.

3. Provide solutions for managing transportation without large expenditures for small businesses.

4. Provide urban dwellers information about availability of transportation services and payment methods in easy to use and access format, on smartphone.

5. Ensure transparency of financial and non-financial transactions using blockchain technology, which can be controlled by any user.

6. Provide access for small service providers to consumers, letting small service providers offer their services in easy-to-use and transparent way.

Blockchain and smart contracts

Brixby is a global service, its core function is to calculate financial transactions and transfer funds from consumers to service operators and vice versa. Brixby chose blockchain technology, which is a distributed open solution that can be audited and reviewed by users, at any time convenient to them, their partners, or their consumers. Blockchain usage will ensure that the calculations and the transfers are correct, transparent, and unchangeable, which is of crucial value to Brixby. Two Ethereum networks (public and private) are used to store and verify each transaction (communication unit between any two microservices). For better scalability and utilization of blockchain technology benefits, Brixby uses microservice architecture: business services, core microserervices, user and 3rd party interfaces. Brixby provides modern communication channels: apps, chatbots, SMS, web apps, etc. BRICKs tokens confirm the right and ability of BRICKs holders to use the functionality of the decentralized Brixby platform. BRICKs tokens will enable the execution of flawless and secure transactions in Brixby that do not require additional costs for reconciliation and audits, which will significantly reduce user costs.

As a part of the open-source initiative, we will make the majority of Brixby modules available to be combined into any service a customer may want — this is possible because most of the modules are universal, for instance billing, CRM, payment gateway, enforcement, and not Brixby specific.


The Brixby team is ready to take on this challenge, having successfully implemented similar services on both small and mega-city scales. To finance rapid product development and marketing, Brixby is conducting an ICO.

There will be a pre-ICO and ICO.

Token name — BRICK

Token distribution:

  • Total Supply: 158 523 442 (~97.5%) BRICKS DURING ICO
  • Type: ERC-20
  • pre-ICO:

— pre-ICO token supply: 4 000 000 (~2.5%)

— pre-ICO success meter: 500 ETH (~$150k)

— pre-ICO BONUS: up to 50%

  • ICO token supply:

— 70% public distribution

— 30% reserved for partners, lawyers, bounty, pre-ICO, and the team and pre-ICO.

Tokens of founders are not transferable upon ICO completion, they will be locked up for 6 months by a smart contract function.

Check out ICO details on www.brixby.io

Also, we will be happy to see you on our Facebook and Telegram.


Brixby team

