Get Rich with White Label Chatbot Company

Modern business strategies are inseparably connected with technologies. Practically without any dependence on the sphere, leading organizations rethink how they develop, evolve and implement various technological solutions. One of the significant trends users do gravitate to is smart chat-bots as the next form of search and personalized service.

Personal meetings and phone calls have ceased to be the dominant means of communication with the growth of the Internet. It was a rapid evolution: e-mail, social networks, mobile applications, forms on the site — and finally, messengers, both based on existing social networks, and specialized and popular in certain countries means for messaging in real time.

Is your business ready for a radical change in the question of how people prefer to communicate? The successes of machine learning and the emergence of intelligent chat bots allow them not only to supplement, but in some cases completely replace human communication.

How can you manage to use it in order to profit?

According to the report 2017, Global Human Capital Trends, 41% of the surveyed heads of enterprises announced the introduction or preparation for the implementation of cognitive and AI-technology in the workflow. Another 34% of respondents surveyed launched pilot programs. According to the research carried out by Gartner and Juniper by 2020 chat rooms will be used in 85% of all interactions with customers.

In 2017, operating banking, medical, social, electronic, and retail organizations saved $ 20 million using chat rooms for customer service. By 2022, the total savings from the introduction of chat bots can reach 8 billion, making accessibility and versatility even more important for content producers.

Market chat bots by 2025, according to Grand View Research will reach 1.23 billion US dollars, with an average annual growth rate of 24.3%.Numerous stories about the successful implementation of chat bots in different areas do not fully answer the question about the order of the actions and the way to start a chat-bot for customers, and most importantly — how can you be able to profit from it?

What advantages do users expect from chat bots today? First of all, this is around the clock availability. According to the Drift study, 64% of the customers surveyed expect the chat-bot to be available in 24/7 mode, with more than half of the customers wanting to be able to instantly respond to inquiries and answers with simple questions. If you miss this trend, you may face the problem of retaining existing customers.

I’m a digital agency and already have customers — how I can profit from chatbots?

Will you have the opportunity to develop an intelligent chat-bot yourself? The answer is yes, but at what costs?The approach of techno-giants creating their own chat bots and digital assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Bixby, etc) who are trying to replace cell applications and completely transform the customer service sector will not be suitable for every company, primarily because of financial reasons.

What is left? To implement impressive savings and benefits from chat-bots, you can use a variety of chat-bot frameworks and some other cloud platforms.Using “chat-bot designers” with understandable interfaces, sometimes not requiring a thorough knowledge of programming, you run the risk of encountering various problems at the stage of platform integration, unobvious platform limitations, and after a short time — and with its obsolescence.

Chat bots in the existing form have not reached their “maturity” yet, and the constant improvement of the bot in accordance with the requests of customers, will become the same urgent need just like upgrading of mobile applications under modern versions of iOS and Android or maintaining the website up-to-date.

BRN White Label: Here you will get your own BotFabric

This problem can be solved very easily. And what is most importantly with no magic! Start by clearly defining your business goals. Even if your staff is already acknowledged with the basic capabilities of chat bots, stump your team with the question: “What chat bot do our clients really need? What problem will it solve? “Use a convenient way for you to collect opinions — this can be a meeting, a group seminar or just a task in your planner. Determine whether your first chat-bot will be used for internal communication or immediately on the client side?

To determine the answers to these questions, any up-to-date methodology — brainstorming, exchange of opinions, and even voting — will do. Using such methods, you will avoid the effect of “forcible introduction”, identify non-obvious barriers and conditions for effective work. Let your team act like a “turquoise organization of the future” — at this stage it is important to consider the experts of your organization who will be able to raise key issues for future implementation.

Who knows your customers better — experienced developers of chat bots or maybe all in all — you? Even in the same spheres, two organizations do not have completely identical customers. You know your client better — which means you need to formalize your experience to create effective chat bots.

Describe several cases from your own experience, where a chat-bot could be useful in a small table format. The number of possible roles depends only on your built-in audience and the alleged uses of the chat-bot.Have you accomplished all the points? Please contact us as soon as possible for the demo version and start cooperation on the White Label model. Why is it profitable? Let’s figure it out together.

White Label: Low risks vs Own technology: High risks

White label is a partnership model of cooperation, in which BRN.AI takes over all the technical issues of creating chat bots, and your company sells them to customers under its own brand.

Think over the important question — do you have enough technical and financial resources for the technical implementation of your own chat-bot platform?

Technical requirements for bots are constantly increasing, because they must work on the most modern messengers and platforms. Appreciate the many channels through which your customers’ chat rooms should work: will this be the whole range of modern messengers or just some of them? Which of the technological innovations do you plan to implement and how long will it take you to develop them by the contractor?

If your company has its own staff of developers, consider the next options — is it profitable for you to outsource technical issues to specialists or is it better try to train your own employees?

In the first case, you gain access to a unique experience of implementing chat bots for various business areas, rapid deployment, frequent updates and constant maintenance and support.Contact us for the demo version right now and the first chat bot will be ready within few days. We achieve such a speed of response to the requests of our partners through a variety of templates, plug-ins and, of course, capable employees.

In case of self-realization, you get full control over the process, but face serious labor costs and potential risks of rapid growth of the project cost. For example, machine learning specialists are among the most highly paid and this trend does not show signs of disappearance, let alone the unique experience of implementing chat bots in all areas of business from qualified specialists.

BRN.AI company provides an opportunity to work under the scheme of the Revenue Sharing Model, which means that you can start your own company with minimal investments.Before making a decision, we will answer the question — how to profit from chat bots. The answer is simple: do not waste your time, help your customers get an instant response to their requests & Start your own Chatbot Company with a Free White Label Version of BRAIN (revenue share model).

Alex Galert CEO BRAIN (

Originally published at on April 18, 2018.




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