On Sartorial Fatigue

The editors, both recent ex-New Yorkers, discuss.

Taylor Coil
Broad Questions


12/2/19, 9:43 AM, iMessage

Georgette Eva:

Weird question for you, do you ever know you’re sort of out of it when you don’t get excited to dress up in the morning?

Taylor Coil:

Ooof. Yes. I’ve spent a long time thinking about that. I’ve *barely* tried with my appearance lately. And by lately I mean…. The past several months?

I only recently started wearing makeup again — just tinted sunscreen and boy brow, maybe a little blush — and it’s amazing what a difference I feel.

But I haven’t been excited to get dressed in absolutely ages. I wear the same three things every day. 90% of my pretty things go unworn and I’m not excited about new pieces unless they’re essentially blankets turned into clothes.

It’s had an adverse effect on the way I walk through the world.


I feel a lot of this.

I’ve been the same. And it happens in waves for me. This one bout has been maybe since…end of July? I remember talking to my sister about it. She would always comment on how cool it was to see the outfits I’d come up with because I used to thrift a lot, and I finally told her something…



Taylor Coil
Broad Questions

Marketing generalist with a focus on content & product marketing.