A branded birthday bash

Sonia Horgan
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2020

Birthdays this year are a little different. I am yet to celebrate a Covid birthday, but I hear that they are a little underwhelming. Those with milestone birthdays probably feel even more disappointed, having hoped to go all out for their 21st, 30th or 40th birthdays. I did, however, come across a brand that did something big for their 30th trip around the sun. Aldi Supermarkets UK held a huge Twitter party, and even though they mocked themselves by publishing a series of #NoOneCares tweets, they did end up having some very important brands attend (VIBs if you will).

Assuming that everyone would be busy on a Friday night, the party started small, with intimate friends who share similar interests. Yet, there’s always someone who spills the beans, and Aldi gave in to inviting plus-ones.

Before long, the party snacks were being demolished and the booze was flowing. Inevitably, it wasn’t long before the guest that everyone loves to love or loves to hate turned up.

You know your party is getting lit when the good-smelling, well-dressed brands arrive.

Ah… my favourite moment of the night… the point at which everyone lets loose and engages in a dance-off; even the hot new platform was invited.

And when the fun and games are over, you know that you can count on a couple of trusty friends to help clean up and nurse your hangover.

The great thing about Twitter is that you can bring people and companies into a conversation that they weren’t originally a part of, and in most cases they feel obliged to respond. If they don’t, then they risk looking boring.

Aldi was right, #NoOneCares about a brand’s birthday, except the brand. This coupled with their virtual Twitter party was a simple way of making everyone care and aware of their birthday. This strategy boosted its audience into the millions. Not only did their followers see these tweets, so did the followers of all the brands that took part.

Digital marketing at its best.

Happy 30th, Aldi — I care.



Sonia Horgan

Not as English as I seem, not as Spanish as you think.