7 Biggest Obstacles to the Spiritual Realm

Things that prevent you from connecting to the spiritual realm

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readDec 5, 2021


We are all connected to the spiritual realm to some extent. But there are people who prefer to get a complete connection to the spiritual realm. You may practice meditation, attend spiritual retreats, and do many other techniques and practices that promise to bring you closer to the spiritual realm. However, you find yourself right where you started.

So, what are the principles and secrets behind being in touch with your spiritual heritage? Here I am about to give you a list of possible things that might be preventing you from connecting to the spiritual realm?

  1. Mentality: mentality towards a specific subject affects the outcome of something great. If you have a negative mentality towards spirituality and similar subjects if you are always skeptical about this topic you might find yourself stuck and unable to move forward because of this mentality. But the sooner you change your mentality, you will begin to see the same situation from a different perspective.
  2. Knowledge: Believe me that the more you have read and know about spirituality, the less likely you are going to connect deeper into the spiritual realm. For me it was when I put every book down and let the experience itself be my book, that was when I connected on deeper levels. The simple explanation for this is because the truth can never be told, but only experienced. Knowledge tends to get in the way, it restricts your experiences leaving you expecting your experience to be in a certain way. As the wise man once said “You can’t use the cup that is already full, empty it first”
  3. Pre-conceived ideas: Apart from acquiring knowledge about spiritual realities, people tend to cling to certain ideas. When you have preconceived ideas, this becomes your biggest obstacle, because you expect something out of the experience, you stay focused waiting for that specific experience, leaving the experience of that current moment. So, when the spiritual experience surfaces you miss it out because you were too busy waiting for a preconceived idea.
  4. A preoccupied mind: In this modern era it is very difficult to make time for anything. Making time for something involves the actual effort and action of being present with your attention on that specific subject. You will find someone is occupied all the time, their body is here but the mind is planning on how to get his debt paid, or they are thinking when their next TV show is coming. So, when the mind is occupied this much there is simply no room for anything else to grow. Wherever you are, be there.
  5. Lack of a Spiritual Teacher: When you have a spiritual teacher, they will explain to you different stages of growth and get you back on track whenever you fall. Also having a spiritual teacher is not limited to a presence of a guru, but having a discipline on which you can maintain a certain level of devotion on a daily basis. But because someone is not disciplined to follow a certain path, they end up learning a little bit of this, when it becomes too hard they switch to another and keep on switching over and over until they accomplish nothing.
  6. Mixing and matching: We live in the era of science and technology where all knowledge is available to us at our fingertips. Being as convenient as it is, it is also the biggest draw set back for spiritual growth. The problem happens when someone tries to learn all spiritual paths. Though it is good to learn and compare, eventually you must make a choice on which path you wish to take. The reason is that every spiritual path leads to a certain realm. But when you mix then you are stuck on the crossroad where you don’t know which specific route to take.
  7. The Pursuit of supernatural & miracles: Sometimes when people experience a spiritual ecstasy they become desensitized, they end up wanting more ecstasy as a spiritual experience. When this happens, they end up missing the little and simple steps of spiritual growth that lead them to spiritual truth. It is like winning a lottery, once you used all the money you can’t stand the reality of getting paid $20/ hr because it is too little for you, then you end up being homeless because you can’t see the small changes.


A spiritual path is different for every individual, the key is to be humble and expect nothing. Once your mind is empty, once your heart is empty then new things and a new reality will emerge.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.