7 — Simple Habits to Increase your Intuition

These simple but powerful habits will maintain and increase your intuition

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readDec 14, 2021


Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

Intuition is the ability to know, see, or feel beyond what can be felt physically. Even though intuition, in general, is not as mystical as it seems, it sure gives one an advantage in life. It makes it easier to avoid undesirable outcomes in life.

Intuition can help a person make better decisions, especially major life decisions. It can help a person to be in the right places at the right time.

So here are simple habits that you can easily integrate into your life to increase your intuition.


Meditation is among the most recommended habit to connect a person with their inner senses, besides that, meditation if practiced properly can bring a lot of health benefits. There are many types of meditation out there, the main element is to find the type of meditation that will allow you to relax and reach deeper levels of relaxation. So, you can make meditation your daily habits, preferably early when you wake up and just before you go to sleep.


If you ask anyone, they will tell you the key to success in anything is awareness. The act of being in the present moment drastically improves a person’s awareness of the slightest details. So, the good thing about this is you don’t have to be specific on where or when, you simply make an effort to be present wherever you are at all times. Simply bring back your mind at this present moment, if ideas or thoughts that are not of the current tasks come to your mind, put them aside.


Though this is a simple and one word, its significance is unparallel to anything else. The human heart is a temple of emotions, and anything that we grow fond of becomes part of us. So, when someone becomes too attached to something, it begins to consume their attention. Pay attention to the types of things people live for, their wealth, their jobs, and many others. You will see that’s all they live for.

Though in this human life it is almost impossible to be totally detached from everything, we can at least take them lightly, if you couldn’t get your favorite color on your new vehicle, you just take it easy, if your child didn’t perform well on school, you take it easy. Then you will realize that the less attached you are, the broader you can see the reality for what it is, and eventually, you will see less of a tunnel vision on life itself.


Apart from being detached, you can practice simplicity, as the more complicated you make your life, the more occupied your mind is, then you will miss out on what is happening at the present moment. Be like a little kid again, this will open you up to the Universe, your innocence will rise to be able to detect the long-lost inner gifts.

Give yourself time:

It is interesting how wherever our attention goes energy flows. Most adults have become stubborn to listen, they don’t listen to their bodies, they don’t listen to their emotions, and any other parts of themselves, they simply react to things.

So, when you actually take time for yourself, you will begin to gain more insights into how you feel and what even your own body Is telling you. What I recommend to do is every time after work, take about 15 minutes, just sit down in a place where you can’t be disturbed and do nothing, simply sit there, if thoughts about work, or concerns surface on your mind just put it aside, and continue to just sit. You will be surprised how your thoughts will simply align and organize themselves. Then you will feel rejuvenated.


Accept is a simple act with a bigger impact. You can accept the reality of life the way it is, but this simple act will reduce stress levels, make you become a better and compassionate person, and have many other benefits. But if you don’t accept the reality of life, it might end up increasing your stress levels, giving you heart problems, and creating anxiety.

Acceptance goes hand in hand with tolerance and compassion, that you will learn to tolerate the human condition, this way you will see things on a deeper level than before therefore it will increase your intuition because that filter of reality is shattered.

Connect with Nature:

We are not part of nature, but we are nature, the idea that nature is out there is a twisted reality. So, just the act of wanting to connect with your body and wanting to be in touch with your inner senses allows you to connect with nature. There are simple habits like walking barefoot, taking a break from electronic devices such as TV, Cellphones, and computers, walking by the beach, hiking and so many other activities that will stimulate and inspire you about the natural world.

So, there you go, these simple habits if you integrate them into your life, will heighten your senses, bring you into harmony, and in touch with your inner senses. It is not an overnight result. But if you maintain these habits, slowly you will notice the changes.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.