A Simple Exercise To Feel the Energy Field Around You

The first time I tried it, it freaked me out.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
2 min readNov 14, 2021


Chi or Qi is the Chinese term for energy field around a human body and living things. This Qi can be purified, accumulated, and cultivated for various things including internal alchemy, healing, and affecting physical matter.

The question is how can we really prove that such energy exists? There are various ways to detect this energy, first, there is Kirlian photography, where they would take a picture of you, this picture would show that outline of the energy field around you.

There is another method of using a pendulum where you can detect different layers of energy around you and chakras.

Though don’t confuse aura and Qi, while the aura is the envelope of different layers of color around living things and non-living things, Qi is the flowing energy through and around things.

The second is the method I am going to share with you now, which is an ancient Korean technique called JiGam.

Procedure on how to detect the Energy field around you.

  • First, find a comfortable position, you can either sit down, stand up or sit on a chair.
  • Relax and take three deep breaths.
  • Bring your awareness to this present moment and feel your body.
  • Now relax your hands and palms.
  • Start shaking your arms as if you have touched a hot object, do this for about 30 to 45 seconds in less than a minute.
  • Then relax your wrist and start shaking your wrists like a twinkle twinkle in the sky. Enjoy the exercise and do it within a minute or so.
  • by this moment you should start feeling something around your palms.
  • Now relax your palms again, bringing them close together, and start tapping your fingertips, while you are focusing on your palms and the gap between your palms. This should take no more than 30 seconds.
  • Now stop tapping the tips of your finger and pay attention to your palms and the space between your palms.
  • Relax your palms and pay attention to the distance between your palms, begin moving them slowly closer together, while you pay attention to the distance between them.
  • Pay attention to the temperature and the sensation, you will feel a tingling sensation, and as you move closer you will feel a repulsive force, and while you move them apart you will feel an attractive force between them. This is Chi's presence. Depending on the level of your sensitivity you will also feel the flow of energy from the center of your heart towards the palms.

There you have it, this is an easy and simple method to feel the energy field around you.




Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.