
Alternate Realities, Parallel Universes & Multidimensions

Traveling to Parallel Universes & Other Dimensions

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2021


Reality is sometimes referred to as a Universe, Dimension, or world.

The theory or the concept behind the idea of parallel dimensions, universes, or realities is that there are multiple Worlds besides this physical one. However, terms such as dimensions, alternate reality, parallel universes can be confusing.

Here I am going to explain the difference between reality, dimension, and universe so that we can move forward. Of course, we all have an idea what these three words mean but in the context of this article, it is best to define them clearly so we can move forward.

What is the Universe?

The Universe is the entirety of our physical environment, which means beginning from your house, your city, country, earth, solar system until the end of it all, so mostly it is our physical environment.

What is reality?



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.