An Insightful Approach on Mastering your Anxiety to Create a Serene Future

A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Inner Strength, Clarity and Confidence.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
3 min readJan 23, 2024


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash


While anxiety is a natural and common aspect of the human experience, allowing it to persist unchecked can potentially lead to the development of illnesses and other undesirable consequences.

Hence, it is prudent to address and manage anxiety proactively before it spirals into distressing situations. In the following discourse, my guides have imparted valuable insights on effectively navigating these challenging moments, empowering individuals to maintain composure and regain control

Individuals often find themselves grappling with distress, enveloped by fear, uncertainty, and various obstacles hindering personal growth. However, it is crucial to recognize that the future is certainly what you make of it, and excessive worry about the unknown is unproductive.

To effectively navigate through moments of anxiety, it is advised to ground oneself in the present moment. Acknowledging the power within, one can dispel the clouds of uncertainty and fear. The key lies in making choices and responses in the present moment, as this determines the predictability of the future.

It is emphasized that temporary anxiety is comparable to a fleeting mist, which can be brushed away by the winds of understanding and self-realization. By not entertaining uncertainties and fears, individuals can focus on their internal strength and foundation, transcending the transient nature of physical existence.

Furthermore, setting goals and making plans is encouraged, but these should transcend limited perceptions and temporal forms. Aligning one’s plans with eternal principles provides a sturdy foundation, standing strong against passing challenges.

Understanding the nature of reality and perception is crucial. Perceiving the current reality through distorted lenses clouds one’s life with uncertainty and anxiety. Clearing these lenses, releasing doubts, and taking responsibility for one’s life alleviate the burdens, making the journey more purposeful and weightless.

In addressing anxiety, it is likened to the stirring of a muddy pond by a fish. Just as a fish swimming steadily creates less disturbance, settling one’s internal agitation diminishes the mess created by anxiety. Grounding oneself, embracing uncertainty, and maintaining calmness allow for a clearer perspective and the ability to handle challenges with resilience.

In summary:

  • This moment is your control deck. Focus on what you can do right now, not what might happen later. Take a step, make a choice, and shape your future.
  • Anxiety is a temporary cloud, not a permanent storm. It can be brushed away like mist on a windy day. Don’t let fear and doubt control you.
  • Your true foundation lies beyond the physical. Connect with your inner strength and draw inspiration from something eternal. This will ground you and give you lasting stability.
  • Let go of the burden of sole responsibility. You are not alone in this life. Share the weight with others and trust that everything is happening for a reason.
  • Focus on your center. Within you lies the key to calm and clarity. Return your attention inwards and find your natural lightness of being.
  • Be the calm fish in the muddy pond. Instead of stirring up the water, move through your challenges with steady grace. Choose peace over agitation.
  • Start small, embrace uncertainty. Every step into the unknown begins with a leap of faith. Trust the process and stay grounded in the present moment.
  • Calm yourself first, then everything else will follow. Like ripples in a pond, inner peace radiates outwards. Find your stillness and watch everything fall into place.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.