Can You Manifest Money Out of Thin Air?

Is it even legal?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readJan 3, 2024


Can you manifest money out of thin air.

The internet is full of strange things. When you enter the first few keywords in a search engine, the autocomplete algorithm reveals the collective subconscious of the masses. It suggests keywords that you may have never even considered before.

Apparently, there are people who believe that they can manifest money out of thin air because they are tired of using the law of attraction and don’t want to work for money anymore. I was curious about this trend and decided to investigate it further.

Here are some of my findings on the topic of manifesting money out of thin air.

There are many scams that claim to be able to manifest money out of thin air, mostly from people who call themselves Malams and claim to have spiritual powers. They often demonstrate their abilities with magical charms, rings and boxes that they sell to people, promising that their lives will be settled. However, if they truly had the power to manifest money, why would they need to sell it to you or even talk about it in public?

The second group is mostly very secretive and involves black magic. These practices require a lot of conditions, but it’s best not to even think about looking for them because it’s a trap. You may get a lot of money at first, but in the end, you will return to square one with even more loss than what you had before.

The simple logic here is there are universal principles that if you want to gain something you must lose something, and that if you are in poverty, its better to find out why you are poor first before trying to patch the crack. This practice involves offering you a magic ring or charm that is attached to an entity, a Jinn which can teleport money from one place to another. However, this is actually stealing, because that money is coming from someone else. So, while someone else is working hard, your evil entity comes and harvests all their hard earnings, does that sound fair to you?

They steal money from many people at an incredible speed and bring it to you. But the payments require blood sacrifice on a monthly, weekly, or yearly basis. These sacrificial bloods vary from lamb, goat, chicken, cow, and even human beings. So, when you hear or see someone advertising about it, even if they tell you, it’s safe, it’s not safe. Stay away from such practices.

There are groups of people who are engaged in magical animals, which are entities that take the form of animals, mostly snakes. These animals require regular feeding and a room to live in, so as long as you please it, it will spit a lot of money for you.

However, don’t be deceived by their seemingly harmless nature. They are often accompanied by harsh conditions that are traps meant to make you fail. Once you are hooked, you may get into even more sinister contracts. These entities are dark entities which are accompanied by a series of loss of loved ones, and other misfortunes so you will have lots of money, but you will not live a happy life.

On the other hand, there is another group that is rare which involves apportations. Apports are gifts from spiritual guides that come in the form of precious stones. However, these gifts come naturally as you continue your spiritual quest and are not something that you can pursue.

Should you pursue manifesting money out of thin air?

While we all want money, it’s important to consider our needs versus our wants. You may realize that what you truly want is happiness, and this lesson can come at a great cost if you don’t realize it before it’s too late.

Just think about it: if you had the ability to manifest money with a mere thought, would you really be that foolish to manifest money just to show off?

Wouldn’t you rather be somewhere with divine beings, discussing intricate things? Would you even be on the human level, needing food, vehicles, or houses? Because the instant you think about Mars, you are there. The moment you think about a spaceship, you manifest it. So, at this stage, why would you be going backwards?

The truth is money is meant to be used in this dimension as a measure of service or value, and the fact that you want to just manifest money and do nothing becomes stinky and fishy.

The best way to approach prosperity is:

  • Find out your talents, life purpose and the things you enjoy doing the most as a service to others.
  • Clean your aura so that you can open the gates of abundance, while you serve other people, and get a sense of purpose and satisfaction while you are also earning income. Cleaning out of your aura involves removing parasitic entities, and other energy filth around you which might be the cause of all your troubles.
  • Removing generational curses that might be the blockage of your prosperity and happy life.
  • The use of things like prosperity crystals, charms, rituals, and such will open doors or pull you towards prosperity. Just make sure they don’t require any blood sacrifices or any other funny business.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.