Law of Attraction

How I Raise And Maintained My Vibration To Manifest What I Want.

Tips on How To Raise Your Vibrations

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights


10 habits to raise and maintain your vibration. Picture from

About a year ago my cousin was so negative, she didn’t want to hear anything about manifestation, she had totally given up on trying to create the life she deserved. Now she came back to me giving me all these wonderful inspiring testimonies on how she had transformed her life, and how as she goes to sleep she focuses on what she wants to happen.

As I explored the turning moments of her life, we discovered that it was when she had ‘believed’. The instant she believed that it is possible. This simple act or what should we call it? because believing is not even an act, but a subtle and unseen force, that can be very powerful when is yield correctly.

Faith is a subtle and unseen force, that when is yield correctly can do wonders

Here are 10+ things that I do to maintain and raise my vibrations and manifest the life I want.

Believing in my Intuition.

I can’t seriously tell you how many times, I have ‘missed the boat’ because of self-doubt. Intuition comes in many ways, it can be a dream, a feeling, a mental image, and so on. Learn from me to avoid repeating the same mistakes

A couple of years ago, I wanted to manifest $100K, I did my ritual as normal, wait for several days but nothing happened. Then one morning, I woke up with a sense of knowing, I knew that NVIDIA is my stock to put all my money on. At the time I didn’t even know how to buy stocks, but because I believed in that intuition, I went ahead called my bank, to make it happen. Then I remember I had spent over 25K in Canadian Dollars, where it gave me about 650 stocks. Here comes another step that like myself many fail to see.

Maintaining the attitude.

I remember my intuition was that I should keep the stocks as a long investment. I told my brother about it, he was like “yeah that stock is unstable” you should have bought such and such is a better investment than what you purchased, then that single ‘virus’ began to corrupt and decaying my original intuition, because he knew a lot more about investment and stocks, “I was like maybe he is right…”

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Later I was like I have kept this stock for such and such time, it doesn’t even go up as much, at the time NVIDIA was trading at $22 per stock. I remember when I sold it, I had only made 800 Dollars, I was like that’s a huge profit-making it within a month. Then a year later, the stock skyrocketed to $300 per stock, and now it is trading around $600 to $800 per stock.

Had I really honored my intuition I would have had over $500K worth of stocks. The thing is our intuition transcends time and space, where the current situation might not make perfect sense, but when looked on a broader scope that’s when they make sense. Learn it from me, and I learned from that experience.

A Self Reflection.

Self Reflection is a good habit to reflect on yourself and how you respond to different situations, I personally do it every time an opportunity represents itself and some people do it before they go to sleep. Depending on the situation, I would replay the entire day or event and ask myself if there was any way I could have done it better and if there is room for improvement.

Seizing the moment.

A couple of months ago, I was resenting on my father-to-son relationship, then my Pa’ came to visit me, at the time I was enraged with anger, I reached a moment when I wanted to give him an ultimatum to leave. But because of my habitual ways of doing things, I thought for a moment, “How would an enlightened person deal with this situation?”

Then suddenly I was engulfed with compassion and love, that he doesn’t mean any harm he is here to know my wellbeing, then little did I know He was my ‘instrument of manifestation’ He gave me $10 K, something that I exactly wanted to manifest.

The above example should give you a clear picture of how we all end up disrupting and creating negative experiences in our lives. So I came up with ways to deal with these kinds of situations.

First Invest in yourself.

Obviously, situations like these happen when we have so much baggage and ghosts in the closets that are unattended. When you invest time and attention in yourself, you can gradually transform your self and attitude towards life. If you don’t have confidence in yourself learn Affirmations. Affirmation does wonder when you target specific areas of your life.

Use of Affirmation.

I used to have very low self-esteem, self-confidence, and a good procrastinator. Affirmation became my best tool to improve and acquire personal skills that made me move forward. So when Opportunities represented themselves, I could seize them and ride that wave of opportunity.

I meditate regularly.

In the live example, I gave you about my dad, if I didn’t meditate, I would have reacted with my emotions to blow up everything. When Meditating besides raising your intuition can help you to see the situation from different angles and give you more time before you react.

Lead an Active and Healthy life.

I have noticed take an evening walk gives me a different perspective on any challenge, information and inspiration begin to flow because my mind is free as I am not concentrating on my work.

As well as eating healthy, tasty food is inspirational, your brain becomes active and stimulated to keep inspiration flow.


There is no right or wrong in the sense that life is what it is, and most of us feel victimized in one way or another, the earlier I accepted that whatever happened, had happened to me, the I was able to let go and move forward.

Letting go.

I know it is not easy, but let go of the past will unload a lot of things that are dragging us back. I know It was hard for me to let go of my past experiences and relationship with my family. That is why there are tools I used such as Meditation and Affirmation. This comes back to investing in yourself, go to seminars, mingle with other like-minded people who can share their experiences, and give you advice. If you can afford it, go to a meditation group, yoga studios, and so on just to inspire you to move forward.

Hang out with like-minded people.

My brother doesn’t believe in ‘manifestation garbage’, he believes in GOD, though he acknowledges the power of my intuition, most of my vibes, however, don’t sync well with him, we argue about reincarnation, we argue about Buddhism, we argue about chakras and the list is endless.

It is something that I have come to accept him as he is, it is his choice and I respect that, we are brothers, we can live alongside by me accepting him for how he sees the world and acknowledge that. But acceptance doesn’t mean you are becoming that situation, when you meet a hill you accept that it is a hill that in order to move forward you don’t level that hill but climb over it.

So then over the years, I have attracted like-minded people, who can stimulate me and pass back to me what I have given them. If my cousin didn’t stay around with me, she would have drifted into the world of negativity, but because I always feed my mind with inspirational stories, I watch movies and shows that maintain my attitude towards life, then this habit becomes contagious, it affects people around me on a positive way.

I feed my Mind

Little did I knew that music, movies, books, and your environment plays a big role in shaping your mind. By maintaining an attitude of what you want, you attract similar information. But if you keep on watching depressing movies or stories then you are lowering your vibration.

These are simply ten habits of raising your vibrations, but there are much more that I will talk about next such as:

Positivity outlook towards life.

I have this motto that, No matter how harsh or inhuman a situation I got myself into, it is just and true.

What does this imply? I was worked in a private company for about two years, it was my actual first job, I enjoyed every moment of it, the pay was good, and my coworkers were good. I got my first new vehicle, I got my apartment, and was able to support myself easily. But then the owner got sick and passed away.

Was out of my job, I lost my place, my vehicle, I started everything from squire 1. But this was just and true, a few months later, I started my company, which became very successful where I was making much more than what I was paid. From this experience, I always believe what appears to be bad might just be a good thing in the long run. Don’t react to any bad situations negatively.

What next?

To conclude I can say that without a doubt, This is a real and personal life experience, which makes me believe that each and every one of us can transform our lives to sail towards success and happiness. No matter what situation you are in, once you believe you can change then it is done.

Thank you for reading.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.