
How is Everything a Vibration?

The Universe of Frequencies and Vibration

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights


source quote fancy

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

What we experience as a physical world, is through our five senses,

  1. The sense of touch.
  2. The sense of Sight.
  3. The sense of hearing.
  4. The sense of Smell.
  5. And the sense of taste.

What is a vibration?

A vibration is a repeated movement in a uniform manner, this is to say that a string on a guitar when pulled and released it will vibrate.

Where frequency is the rate of repetition in a given amount of time, if I can walk 20 feet and come back in 5 minutes, it means my frequency is 20 feet per 5 minutes. And my vibration is that movement of going and coming back.

In our example, the wavelength would be 20 feet and amplitude will be 10ft because it is half of the journey.

Our reality is purely based on perception, it means the reality is something of the mind, it is a mental construct a product of consciousness. read the article below to understand clear.

Vibration and frequencies on our five senses.

  • Light is widely known as vibration, that what we see as color are different wavelengths of light, when light interacts with different materials it disturbs those materials for our eyes to detect that disturbance. This disturbance is a vibration, which concludes light as a vibration
  • Sound is a physical interaction of matter, where two items come in contact to create a sound. Therefore sound is also a vibration.
  • Smell, this is a tough one, but when you smell something, you are simply sensing the chemical reaction between different molecules and air, or other substances. The chemical reaction is the exchange or release of energy in a molecular, this too is a vibration, as you are detecting movement of energy.
  • Taste, when you taste something, you are detecting the change or the interaction between your body fluids and that substance. this interaction and exchange of energy is also a vibration and therefore taste is also a vibration.
  • Touching, I have how electron creates an illusion of touch, it means when electron revolves around a neutron, it revolves really fast to create an electron cloud, this cloud repels other atoms from merging or intersecting. this phenomenon is what we experience as a sense of touch. which is a result of vibration.

As you can see through our five senses we experience a physical world as physical, but it is really a product of vibration and frequencies.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.