If You Are Struggling Financially You Need To Read This

Understanding these simple principles will shift you from your current situation.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readJan 3, 2022


I won’t brag about being rich or wealthy. Despite that, I barely remember the days I struggled with money. From paying debts to being on time with rent and many other financial needs.

It’s a new year maybe you want to make some changes in your life and are facing financial struggles. Don’t worry I got you covered.

The key to financial freedom is not having lots of money in the bank, but having content and happy life. Being able to do what you want to do with your money.

So here are a few principles that you can employ in your life to shift yourself from whatever situation you are in into a better one.

  • Whatever situation you are in, there are others who are in the most difficult situation, so be grateful.
  • However complicated the situation might seem you are not going to die by simply being broke or losing material wealth. Therefore focus on your livelihood.
  • Everything and every situation you are currently in is not the product of the present moment, but the result of the past. Therefore you still have an infinite possibility of creating the future you desire.
  • Despite this, the situation you are in now is not necessarily the ultimate reality, since anything can change at any moment. You might win the lottery, there could be insurance money coming your way, inheritance money, the forgotten borrowed money, support from family and so many other things might come your way. So don’t see your current situation as the final judgment.
  • No matter how dark the night might be, the sun will always shine in the morning. This means no matter how tough the situation is, the sun will and must shine on your finances in the coming days.

How To Actually Shift to A State of Financial Freedom

Assume that you are on a boat, and this boat is on a specific course of the river. But the river has many channels, which lead to different destinations. So, in order to reach a certain destination all you have to do is shift your boat to a type of channel that will take you to that destination. Alternatively, you can think of them as different highways. To reach a certain destination, you simply need to take the route that leads there.

What I am telling you here is that we are indeed vibrational beings. Therefore, if you want to live in a reality where you don’t struggle financially you simply have to shift your vibrations. The trick here is what are vibrations? Vibrations are not merely thoughts about something, but the emotional attitude towards something.

Pay attention to people who are raised in wealthy families. The kind of attitude they have towards spending money is different from those who were raised in a scarcity of money. Of course, someone will argue, well because they have financial security which is partially true. I can certainly say that I have a habit of spending to the last dime not knowing where more money will come from, to immediately receive unexpected money.

For you to understand this, let me explain another principle. Another article I wrote reflects on thoughts and imagination, how our thoughts or anything else for that matter is not what we perceive them to be. That they are not isolated parts, but a stream of activities and networks.

For example, one of my friends was telling me “You know money travels so fast and so far” I never thought about it, but then he continued… “Maybe someone is holding a $20 bill in New York, you are in Washington, and this $20 bill is coming to you, and maybe it will not stay with you for long.” The point here is money is like streaming water on the river, it flows from one transaction to another, and those who have abundance have tuned in or placed themselves at the center of these streaming networks of money.

You will find someone who is not a talented artist but their art is sold like a hot cake. Someone is not skilled at something but they get hired. Every time you see these incompatible pairs, you think “that should have been me.” but you always miss the chance.

By understanding and applying the principle that a thought or an idea is not simply an idea, but a part of a certain reality. Then you will begin to realize that the thoughts flowing in your mind are only tips of the iceberg, that are attached to a certain reality. When you realize this, you can then see which thoughts are attached to the type of reality you want to be.

Simply tune into certain thoughts, then reality will follow, rather than fighting to change your thoughts. It is like you are walking and finding an obstacle, instead of moving around it, you try to break that obstacle. The obstacles are the thoughts you are trying to change, simply transcend above them or shift away from them.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.