Life-Altering Insights on how to Access Christ Consciousness.

Unveiling a Divine Wisdom of Simplicity.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readJun 5, 2023


Innocent and pure — Muangakili

It’s been over two years since I started channeling. As a Christian, I had sworn to my bones that I will never want anything to do with Christianity. But deep down, I accepted most of Jesus teachings. The unpleasant experiences brought about the need to avoid everything that had anything to Christianity and Jesus.

So, I decided to channel Christ. I needed to deal with the ghosts in the closet and face my own demons before I could take another step into my spiritual evolution.

I am thrilled to share with you the profound insights I gained from a recent channeling session with Jesus Christ.

This experience was truly transformative, leading to a personal awakening that prompted deep self-reflection about myself and the world around me. Allow me to summarize the key teachings I derived from this enlightening session, which challenged my previous understanding as a Christian.

If you haven’t read the channeling session, go ahead, and read it.

The Historical Account of Jesus Christ:

One of the most debated topics is whether Jesus truly existed or if the stories in the Bible are mere fabrications. However, the session guided me to consider the true significance of this debate. Rather than focusing on proving Jesus’ existence, the crucial question is how this knowledge can benefit and transform our lives. Regardless of historical certainty, the pursuit of awakening, transcendence, and personal growth remains universal.

Understanding God:

Contemplating the nature of God brought a profound realization. God, according to the source, represents the highest state of being and is not an external entity. I likened this concept to taking a chicken to Disneyland. Just as the chicken lacks the comprehension to appreciate the wonders of such a place, humans may struggle to grasp the full value of the divine without inner growth. Understanding God, therefore, becomes an internal journey of expanding comprehension, emotions, and personality.

Perspective on Sin:

In many Christian traditions, sin is a central focus. However, the session shed light on a different perspective. Rather than fixating on what is right or wrong, it is more beneficial to focus on embodying the highest good in each moment. By nurturing the spark of inner life and embracing positivity, we can transcend the limited perspective of sin and live a more fulfilling existence.


Religion, the source emphasized, is neither inherently good nor bad. Its impact depends on how individuals interpret and apply its teachings. The key lies in our response to religious experiences, ensuring they align with personal growth and truth-seeking. It is vital to explore various beliefs and sincerely seek the truth, regardless of one’s religious affiliation or status. Truth, when genuinely sought, can be found through an open heart and mind.


According to the source, it seems that Christianity is a mixture of lost knowledge of how sound and vibrations affect human energy fields. This knowledge was incorporated into Jesus’ teachings. And this knowledge of sound and vibrations has survived as music and choirs in churches.

The Kingdom Within:

The notion of the Kingdom within resonated deeply with me. The source revealed that Jesus came from a higher state of existence to impart knowledge and truth to humanity. However, accessing this wisdom requires internal cultivation. The Kingdom within is not something one can acquire externally; it must be nurtured and developed through personal growth, comprehension, and self-care.

Christ’s teachings:

Christ’s core teachings consist of three things:

  • Being born again by accepting all that you know as a relative truth, opens you up to more knowledge and experiences.
  • A daily devotion to contemplating the essential questions of life, such as the meaning of life, why I am here, and where I come from. This opens you to an entirely different reality that welcomes you if you ask for assistance from higher spiritual guidance.
  • Being in harmony with etheric energy. The difference between the holy spirit and etheric energy is that the holy spirit manifests in different stages where at the beginning it will manifest as radiant energy. And that the Holy spirit is only a seed of this higher reality that was brought to this world as a gift for everyone.


There is a significant importance of contemplating profound questions about life’s meaning. By sincerely pondering these existential queries and seeking guidance from higher sources, I experienced personal growth and gained a broader perspective. Through this contemplation, I realized that there is more to life than the pursuit of material wealth and worldly pleasures. True growth and fulfillment lie in the pursuit of deeper truths and a meaningful connection with us and the world around us.

Etheric Energy:

During the session, the concept of etheric energy (Holy spirit) was introduced as a gift brought by Jesus to the world. This energy, already available to us, can be harnessed through seeking harmony with it. By aligning ourselves with this divine energy, we can transform our lives from within, unlocking our true potential and experiencing profound changes.

In conclusion,

My channeling session with Jesus Christ left a lasting impact on me. While I acknowledge that misinterpretations may have occurred over time, I see them as mere distractions from the treasure trove of wisdom within these teachings.

I encourage everyone to approach these insights with an open mind and embark on their personal journey of discovery. By doing so, we can develop a deeper connection to the teachings, transcending limitations, and experiencing profound personal growth and transformation. May this knowledge inspire and guide us on our unique paths toward enlightenment.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.