
My Wonderful Astral Projection Experiences

Traveling to Other Dimensions and Parallel Universes

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights


Astral projection is the ability to project your energy body outside your physical body, it is also known as an out of body experience, soul travel, astral travel and so forth.

Unlike lucid dreaming and remote viewing, astral projection is more interactive. People have been astral projecting throughout human history, you can find about it in different societies like ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, indigenous shamans, and many more.

What is the difference between Astral projection / Out of body experiences?

Astral projection: is when a person consciously projects their awareness outside their physical body.

Out-of-body experiences: These are experiences that occur naturally when a person’s consciousness leaves their physical body.

The only difference between astral projection and out-of-body experience is you astral project to achieve out-of-body experience.

Another difference between Remote viewing and out of body experience is that you don’t have to leave your physical body to perceive the distance locations, while an out of body experience you can actually be where you are remote viewing, more like watching a movie in virtue reality and watching a movie on TV.

Astral Projection Experiences

My Astral Projection Experiences

“I woke up at night and realized I was floating in the rain forest, the grass was green and the jungle had huge trees, I tried to figure out how I got there since I had a little knowledge on an out of body experiences, I realized I was out of my body; I was so excited than I “willed” myself to see microscopic world…when the images started to zoom in, I suddenly got pulled back into my bed and I suddenly woke up”

..One afternoon I was asleep on my couch, then I woke up to notice some differences on my wall picture, I couldn’t figure out why it was that way, then I realized that I was out of my body, I could see myself asleep on a sofa, the environment was similar but there were slight differences….

…Some nights when I sleep with my head facing East, I wake from ‘my second dream’. It is like a dream within a dream, but when I wake up, I am fully aware of the environment and that I am dreaming, the buildings are always tall, they have giant ceilings, and the people there are beautiful and giants, they teach me wisdom and much ancient lost knowledge, I can control almost everything with just a single thought. Then I woke up from the second dream to realize I was inside a dream and wake up again to this reality.

“……One night when I was half-asleep, I had this amazing, experience, it felt like I was my own thoughts and whatever I think about I become it, and where ever I think of I got there instantly, it was like you woke up in the ‘Grand ultimate reality’ and all the parts of my body seems like it’s just a representation of what is more real than what we perceive, it’s a little hard to explain but I am not sure if it was an OOBE or if it was something else but when I woke up I forget a lot and all that I remember is mostly the feeling.”

“….Another day I was in my bedroom with the door closed, listening to some music and enjoying a chocolate bar…. My bedroom window was about four feet high ….the next day my young cousin was only about 4 years old and about 2 feet tall. She came to me asking me to about the chocolate bar, and I was like how in the world did you see me eating that chocolate bar while my bedroom door was closed and my window is higher than your height…she said she was flying by and noticed I was eating it…..”

“….Yet another day when I was still young about 5 years old. for some reason, I suddenly woke up at night and (I am a twin, I and my identical twin were sleeping in the same bedroom. two beds were put together.) I noticed my twin brother was sitting in the corner of my bed. I Then asked him what was he doing there?

He just gave me a wicked smile but didn’t say anything. Then something like a telepathic experience made me move my neck and look where my brother was sleeping and I realized there are two of him, the one at the corner and the other one Sleeping along the bed. I became afraid and immediately cover myself with the blanket when I looked again to see if he was there, he was gone”

I could go on with these experiences. some of them I can’t even share in the public. The main point is for you to experience it for yourself. And prove that we are more than just physical matter.

The Benefits of Astral Projection

There are many spiritual and health benefits if you can astral project, I will list a few astral projections benefits below.

  • Reduce stress, most stress comes out of being stuck in one reality, when you have successfully astral project you will know for sure there is another reality than this one, and that there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing. This will give you both peace of mind and reduce stress.
  • Getting answers to your unanswered questions. Most people have lots of questions that no one seems to have answers for them, but if you can Astral Project you will be able to meet other beings that are wiser than you. Who will satisfy your curiosity
  • Meeting your loved ones who have passed on, Astral projecting is the ability to see the spiritual world, many people have reported meeting their loved ones who have passed on and meeting with their spiritual guides.
  • Getting inspirations, if you are a blogger, book writer, artist, etc. We all know the importance of inspiration. When you astral project you encounter many worlds and beings that will inspire you to live a better life.
  • Traveling to other dimensions and experiencing the multidimensional nature of our Universe. I have traveled to different realities and parallel Universes to the point that I lost count. Once you learn how to Astral Project you can do this and know it is true.
  • Removing the fear of death. Most people are afraid of dying. When you astral project you will be assured that death is not the end of life, but only the revelation of yet another bigger reality. This will surely remove the fear of death and anxiety.
  • Align with your life purpose. In this modern-day and age, a lot of people are confused, not knowing what they live for, or what they should do with their lives, once you start to astral-project you end up being in touch with your inner senses, where you will find your true calling of the kind of things that you want to contribute in this life.


Astral projection for me was something that I could prove to myself without a doubt that we are more than just physical bodies, and our ability to exists beyond the physical. This accelerates my spiritual growth and spiritual quest.

I have become a better person by knowing that this physical life is not all there is and have gained compassion towards others and all life knowing that they are on a spiritual journey like me.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.