Seven Levels of Consciousness

The key to remembering who you are and a guide to your eternal nature.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readDec 15, 2021


Human consciousness becomes a mystery when we try to isolate and quantify it. When we experience it, it becomes our permanent home and ally.

Consciousness is the state of being aware of something. In alternative studies, consciousness has a broader meaning. We only become aware of things that are identifiable by us, and therefore what we are conscious of is fundamentally within us.

A practical example is if you give a gold nugget to a toddler, they will try to bite it, then hit it on the ground, and eventually get bored of it and find another eye-catching object. The reason is they will have to run a database check first. “If it’s not edible, maybe I can do something else with it, if not then it’s useless.” But if you give it to an adult, you can guess what would happen next.

Studies of metaphysics and those who experiment with expanding their consciousness reveal that there are different levels of consciousness. This is because sometimes we can widen our lenses of perception to see more than we can in our ordinary lives.

I have found that every level of consciousness has a boundary and that it is not only practicing meditation that will help one transcend from one level to another but rather the internal change, letting go of the things that accumulate a barrier between these levels.

So, here are seven different levels of consciousness.

  • Normal waking state.
    This level of awareness is that we use to run our lives, we access memories, use simple logic for solving problems, and that is as deeper as it can go.
  • Hobbies & Interests.
    Every human being has a hobby and interests, these are things that personally couldn’t explain why even identical twins might have different hobbies and interests.
    This level of awareness is always there, but not expanded or explored by many as much as we think of. You will find that someone is born with specific interests, these interests become their internal compass on what they want to pursue as a carrier, but later everything gets mixed up and they eventually lose connection. Usually, these interests or hobbies when paid close attention, you will find out that they have a lot to do with one’s previous lives, and has a lot to do with their life purpose.
  • Creativity level of mind.
    Creativity is not for everyone, but creativity when tuned in properly is in everyone. At an early age, almost all children operate on this level of consciousness, because they have not solidified their reality, their consciousness is expanded and fluid, and that the children’s reality is not an adult reality.
    This level of consciousness can be attained through meditation and other relaxation techniques. At this level, a person can easily write an inspiring story, bring out an inventive idea and even solve problems in unconventional ways. A Lot of people who operate on this level have a vivid and high imagination than normal people.
  • Infinite wisdom.
    Usually after accessing the creativity level, and if a person is able to even sink deeper levels of consciousness, they will then access an infinite consciousness. Where at this level of consciousness a person can remember who they really are, they can remember their past lives, they are able to access the Akashic records and many other wonderful things. And usually, information just flows easily as they request it, it becomes integrated with their nervous system.
  • Cosmic communication.
    Usually, once a person has unlocked their history and gained a higher awareness where they can easily retrieve information from different past lives. When a person reached this level, it unlocks a lot of psychic abilities with it. They will then discover that the Universe is teamed up with a lot of living beings.
    So, at this level of consciousness, a person can communicate with a variety of living beings from the Universe. Because at this level of consciousness, time and space become thinner enough for their awareness to easily penetrate through and communicate with other living beings.
  • Miracle & Manifestation.
    From my personal experience, I first thought once you communicate with other beings, it is only an exchange of information, but as I kept on communicating with them, Some days, I would notice that even the energy of the room changes, it become radiant and illuminated. At this level then these other beings can physically manifest in front of you, they can perform healing, they can attune and activate you and do many other things.
  • Oneness or Entanglement
    A lot of spiritual people talk about oneness, but attaining this level of oneness can take a lot of dedication and devotion. Though your body will exist in a state of separateness, your awareness will transcend that limitation, you will realize that all is one and see the interconnectedness of everything. Thus your compassion towards all life will be from deeper levels and cannot be shaken.

These are seven levels of consciousness, that usually are not as further away as we imagine, the key is to first pay attention to your hobbies and interests. Learn about yourself, then when you open up to the world of creativity and imagination you can guide yourself into deeper levels to reveal your true origins and nature.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.