Simeon Kimbangu Toko: A Mortal Embodied in a Divine Realm

Exploring the Enigma of an Avatar who Walked Among Mortals, Yet Dwelled in God-Like Splendor

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
3 min readFeb 17, 2024


Simeon Toko showing one of his healed wounds from being assassinated.

Imagine someone rising from the dead more than once, defying assassins and defying logic itself. That’s the legend of Simeon Toko, a figure whose remarkable feats overshadow even the miracles attributed to Christ. A while back, while exploring the fringes of human potential, I stumbled upon a captivating story from David Wilcock, a prominent author in the new age movement. He spoke of a mysterious individual, shrouded in secrecy, who possessed… well, let’s just say his achievements would make even the most devout believer raise an eyebrow.

He defied his own death several times by regenerated his own body, and performed feats surpassing even the legendary miracles of Jesus. Just last month, a friend sent me a short clip revealing the name behind the extraordinary claims. Curiosity piqued, I delved deeper and discovered a narrative more fantastical than fiction. Prepare to be astonished, for this is the story of Simeon Kimbangu Toko.

Simeon Toko, born on February 24, 1918, in the forebodingly named “Village of the Celestial Mountain” in northern Angola, emerged from an environment ravaged by natural disasters for nearly five decades. This enigmatic figure was not only a religious leader but also the founder of a spiritual movement that garnered significant attention and followers.

Summoning Angels to Fight Genocide

One of the most captivating aspects of Simeon Toko’s story unfolds during the 1960s, a brutal colonial era. In response to the wicked Belgian Edomites committing genocide, Toko summoned an army of angels. The Edomites’ atrocities included cruel slavery and sickening torture, such as mutilating the hands of men and women in the Congo. Toko’s actions echo biblical prophecy, particularly Isaiah 40:31, foretelling renewed strength for those who wait upon the Lord.

Surviving an Assassination Attempt

Toko’s resilience and spiritual power were put to the test when, shortly before his return to freedom in July 1974, an assassination attempt orchestrated under dictator Antonio de Salazar’s orders unfolded. Despite facing a perilous situation that would have been considered “first-degree murder” for anyone else, Simeon Toko overcame the attack, showcasing his remarkable ability to endure adversity.

Reincarnation and Supernatural Abilities

Considered a reincarnation of Simeon Kimbangu, Toko manifested himself both in the physical realm and in dream states while alive. Even after his natural death, he reportedly continues to appear to selected individuals, transcending the boundaries between life and the afterlife.

Resurrection After Being Slaughtered

Legend has it that Simeon Toko displayed supernatural abilities by resurrecting himself in front of astonished witnesses. This astonishing event occurred after he had been brutally slaughtered into pieces, further adding to the mystique surrounding his life and spiritual prowess.

Restoration of Israelites to God-Like State

Before departing, Simeon Toko reiterated biblical prophecies about the restoration of Israelites to a god-like state, mirroring his own extraordinary powers. Verses like Psalm 82:6, Isaiah 14:2, and Revelation 13:10 allude to the people’s empowerment and the reversal of oppression, reinforcing the profound spiritual significance of Toko’s mission.


Simeon Toko’s life remains a fascinating and enigmatic narrative that transcends conventional understanding. His ability to summon angels, survive assassination attempts, display supernatural abilities, and convey prophecies contributes to a legacy that continues to inspire awe and curiosity. Beyond the historical and religious contexts, Toko’s story is a testament to the power of spiritual resistance against oppression, resonating with those who seek justice and equality.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.