Spiritual Journey — This is Why You Can’t Stop Once You Start

Are There Side Effects?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
4 min readJun 8, 2022


Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

You may join a meditation group, a yoga group, a church group or simply start your solo channeling. Sometimes the world catches up with you, then you start to slack little by little until your spiritual sparks fade away.

I can say that a spiritual journey especially a genuine one has a lot of challenges. Where if you give it up completely you will notice a lot of side effects.

What happens when you stop your spiritual practices?

Personally, I have experienced a lot of side effects whenever I stopped my daily spiritual practices. There are two distinctive states when someone is spiritually active and when someone is just an average person. Usually, an average person has energy blockages in their energy channels and centers. The fact that their energy channels and centers are blocked is a healthy thing in the sense that they are simply disconnected from spiritual realities. As a result, they live a completely normal and ordinary human life.

When you begin a spiritual journey, however, you begin to open your energy centers and channels, where you will become sensitive to spiritual realities. I think it’s a beautiful thing, and if you are diligent, you gain a bit more tolerance, because you see a bit more than what’s on the surface. This makes you more forgiving towards other people. When tough situations happen you fail to react to them because your tolerance level has widened.

The Actual Side Effects of Stopping Spiritual Practices.

The interesting thing, I have personally noticed is this:

When a person doesn’t practice any spiritual practices, their energy channels and centers are weak, dull, and blocked, again this can be a positive thing. Simply because they are blocked, they are insensitive to good or bad energies. So these types of people are in a way grounded, they can’t be affected by anything from the spiritual side. So, they have become as materialistic as they can be.

However, because you have started a spiritual practice, you have also recharged and opened your energy centers and channels. What this means is more spiritual information can pass through you, which elevates your awareness of other realities. This is only effective when you maintain your practice. If you stop, all of your unlocked energy channels and centers becomes unattended, where they could accumulate a lot of different energies.

So, when you hit the bottom, the spiritual ground zero, you would have fallen even lower than where you were before you started your spiritual journey.

It’s like having a cloth full of dirt, where nothing can pass through it. However, if you wash that cloth, suddenly lots of things pass through it, so you have to continuously wash it, if you stop, it could even accumulate more dirt.

What can cause a spiritual fallback?

There are several factors that may lead a person to procrastinate or stop their spiritual practices. When you investigate closely, it usually starts with discouragement, where someone may have said something that grew slowly in their subconscious mind to paralyze that spiritual motivation.

As I have said when you begin a spiritual journey you become spiritually active where you can feel energies behind words, items, events, places, and people.

When this happens you become like a sponge sensitive to subtle energies. If you are not spiritually mature enough, encountering people with a negative attitude toward specific spiritual practices can affect you.

What can you do to prevent spiritual fallback?

A spiritual journey can be a daunting task at times, however, when you are aware of these negative energies it is easy to uproot them before they drag you down.

We are indeed multi-dimensional beings, where even our mere intentions can cause things to happen, so when a person who is close to you does not want you to do your spiritual practice, because you have accepted them in your inner space, their intention can affect your spiritual devotion.

Therefore, a lot of the real cause stems from what is around you. It is something that started small to snowball into your spiritual decline.

Spiritual Housekeeping

There are ways of doing anything, that is why if you really want to proceed in your spiritual journey you must know how to go about doing it. And maintain certain spiritual housekeeping rules.

Jesus used to walk to a quiet and secluded place “to speak with his Father”. A lot of spiritual teachers have a dedicated place with a dedicated group of people who have one common goal: to do their spiritual practice. For this reason, it is imperative to:

  • First, find out the source of your fallback, and try to figure out when you first felt unmotivated and the reasons behind it.
  • Rearrange your daily devotions, and designate a dedicated place to do your daily practices.
  • Find your tribe. It is pleasant to vibe with people of the same mind. You will encourage each other to continue and stir up the fire within.
  • Be aware of downward-trending thoughts. You may suddenly start to have discouraging thoughts about your spiritual practice. When this happens you can neutralize it before it becomes a habit.
  • Be mindful of what you feed yourself, mentally and spiritually. We live in an overstimulating and information overflow society. Because you are a spiritual person, it is critical to be mindful of what you feed your mind. These things can appear harmless but are detrimental to your spiritual journey.

Wrapping things up

The spiritual journey involves a lot of challenges. As you mature you face tougher challenges that are meant to strengthen you. The key is to never give up and face these challenges as a spiritual person.

The reality is that once a person begins a spiritual journey, they are simply not considered an ordinary person anymore. As they have transformed, they have become more than ordinary, and this has its price and sacrifices.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.