
The Meaning of Number 1616

Does the Number 666 Mean Evil?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights


The Meaning of 1616 — Image Credited to Muang’Akili

The meaning of the number 1616 is not commonly asked for, because most people don’t use 24hr time format. Therefore you should not confuse this number with time 4:16 or 10:16. I am going to explain in a bit why.

There is a stigma when it comes to number six because most people associate it with the book of revelation from the bible the number 666. Does number 666 mean evil or what is its true vibration?

When you continue your spiritual journey and your progress, you will reach a moment where you see everything as perfect and divine, you will understand that we perceive things in parts, which results in us seeing things as good or evil.

What does number 6 mean?

To find the meaning of the number 1616, it is important to break it down and understand the meaning of Number 6 is the amount of sequence preceding the number 5.

In biology there are five kingdoms, then we have five senses, five fingers and there are five elements. The vibration of number five implies the nature of things, the underlying principle of things.

If someone’s personal number is 5, then this person is nature itself, you will find these kinds of people very grounded and connected to nature.

You will see there are only four seasons, the fifth being the crop. That means number 5 is in a way stationary, that’s why other ancient cultures didn’t count as five elements but four elements knowing that the 5th element is spirit, the essence of nature.

So the preceding number after 5 is number 6, you use these natural principles to build what you want, to fashion your will.

The five-finger hand holds the sixth object, implying the artificial and creative power within a person. So this number six is the number of human beings.

Even in the bible Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day, what this means is humans are the manipulator of natural laws, they use the existing system to create as they please.

Does the number 666 mean evil?

So when it comes to the meaning of the number 1616, and the meaning of number 666 where is the mentality of this wonderful vibrational frequency set as evil? Simply put it is because it doesn’t align with how things should be or how things are, but it takes its own course, even though all humans are the same, there is uniqueness in each and every one of us so every person is entitled to their own choice, they have free will to live as they please. And that is what number 6 signifies, The Devil rebelled against creation, hence number 6.

Artificial intelligence or science and technology is a manipulation or modification of how things are, therefore those standing with the principles and laws of nature will regard it as evil because these energies don’t tend to abide by the rules. So basic number 666 is manipulation of natural laws empowered as it is repeated 3 times and if you add it to 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 then 1 + 8 = 9. Number nine is the last of the biggest single numerical values, therefore this vibration of number 6 is at its peak.

Now that we are clear with number 6 let’s see what it means when you see it. As said earlier in some cases you might see this number on your bill, stocks, license plate, address, and so on.

There are 24 hours in a full day, we tend to divide between days and night, this is duality. But one full day with its polarities has 24 hours which one hour has 60 minutes and one minute is 60 seconds, where we see again number 6, each second is equivalent to one heartbeat, the heartbeat is what makes you alive, it is what differentiates between the dead and the living, and the chest represents will-power.

When we divide 24 with 6 we get the number 4 which represents time. As you can see every vibration or sequence is true to its value. So the person who uses 24 hr format is more in tune with the rhythms and vibrations of things because they see the completeness of things instead of a glass half full or half empty.

The real vibrational nature of the meaning of the number 1616

Number 1616 consists of numbers 1 and 6. We have already defined the meaning of the number 6, and in most of my other articles, I have explained what number one represents. It represents the beginning, initial, independence, individuality, and such.

So looking at the number 1 and 6 we get the beginning of independence and the vibration of number 6 we have already gone through to what it represents, the energy signatures behind it. And therefore it means you are setting your foot on the first staircase of independence of self-expression and will- power.

But then appearing twice means that something is already in motion, as number two represents life, life is a movement and cycles, so you have stepped into the new cycle of life towards your independence.

But it gets even better than combining the energies between 1 and 6 you get 7, so guess what? number 7 is divine, it means something of divine nature, that your uniqueness is divine, something that no one can take away from you.

It just doesn’t end there, because when we try to find the entire vibration of all these numbers 1616 we get 77, this is a master number, then guess what it represents? ‘ Christ Consciousness’.

And even we try to break down the number 7 + 7 = 14 and then 1 + 4 = 5. Remember we talked about the vibration nature of number 5. It is nature, which means it is an innate quality of what you have that must come forth, that must be brought out for the benefit of others and yourself. It can’t be denied any longer.

When you see number 1616 what should you do?

Depending on what is happening in your life at the moment you see this number, but what the meaning of the number 1616 really implies is that your journey of growth has begun, you have started the work of your hands. I wish to make it clear here, that it does not mean a career, it could be a career, but it doesn’t mean a career or job, it means your earth's mission. You as part of nature, the unique talent that you have, are coming to fruition.

The moment you see it means you are the master of creation, and you forge your destiny, it is the moment of growth to exercise your willpower, You let go of all self-limiting beliefs, doubting yourself, and being shy or timid. You should follow your path.

You should focus on the things that make you unique, the things that set you aside from the crowd.

It means the situation and circumstances are aligned properly for you to do what you want. And the reason I didn’t mean it is your career, is that some people might be working certain jobs but deep down, that’s now what they resonate with or that’s not their dream.

To conclude is that the meaning of the Number 1616 means you should focus on YOU.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.