Top 10 Signs That You Are Highly Intuitive

You are probably one of them and don’t even know it.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
5 min readJul 13, 2022


Photo by Coline Haslé on Unsplash

A highly intuitive person is able to sense not only other people’s true feelings and intentions but also unseen and upcoming events. It is sometimes referred to as a gut feeling because your viscera gives you a warning.

The truth is every person has intuition, but there are people who are born with extraordinary intuitive abilities. Naturally, most women are more intuitive than men, because they have a good balance between using the right and left hemispheres of their brains than men.

Where does the gift of intuition come from?

A person who is highly intuitive is simply a keen listener. You are keenly aware of even the smallest changes, even if it does not register in your conscious mind. Most people have diluted their intuitive abilities because they have learned to filter and ignore certain feelings that they do not understand.

10 signs that you are highly intuitive

Here I am going to list 10 signs that imply you are a highly intuitive person, and maybe you didn’t know about it.

You are a very good listener.

As an intuitive person, you have the ability to let the information sink in on many layers because you can pick up on other people’s emotions. When someone talks to you, you can feel how that person is feeling. Therefore, you are not only listening to the words with your mind but also feeling them in your heart. That makes you a good listener because you come to know a person on very deeper levels than an average person.

You are a sensitive person.

A highly intuitive person is naturally sensitive, and it is your sensitivity that makes you highly perceptive. This is because you don’t only hear or absorb words from people but also sense the true emotion and energy behind words. This can sometimes make an intuitive person vulnerable to verbal abuse.

Additionally, as an intuitive person, you might find yourself uncomfortable around certain groups of people without knowing why. The real reason is that they might spread unflattering rumors behind your back, and have a negative mentality that doesn’t resonate with your own.

You are in touch with your senses.

As a sensitive person, you are naturally in tune with your body rhythms. This will enable you to easily sense that you are about to come down with a cold, or that something is off in the rhythms of your body. Therefore as an intuitive person, you have excellent taste when it comes to food and sensual pleasures.

You have premonitions.

Because a highly intuitive person’s body picks up subtle information all day long, you end up having vivid dreams which are mental predictive computation that becomes a premonition. You would have a vivid dream to later experience the exact event the following day or a couple of days later.

People come to you for advice.

The power of the right brain hemisphere is that it processes things in a holistic way, it does not deal with parts. Therefore as a highly intuitive person, you can naturally see a bigger picture. This is to the point that you can see how things would end in the early stages. This makes you a very valuable adviser in your community or around loved ones. Most likely you had previously given someone very helpful advice which worked for them. As a result, they tell others and keep coming back for more advice.

You are observant.

Being an intuitive person gives you the advantage of seeing minor details that most people miss. You will find yourself among your friends or family pointing out certain errors or details that others couldn’t see in the first place. Again this is because you naturally pick up more details than others.

According to Heartmath Institute, the heart senses events and things twice as fast as the brain, allowing you to notice minor details others won’t notice. This makes you a keen observer.

You are a competent judge of character.

You can tell when someone is being genuine or when they are being fake. This is because it’s easy for you to pick up on people’s energy and intentions. You experience feelings of excitement about certain people coming into your life. But there are also times when your intuition tells you that someone is not who they say they are.

This is because you’re able to see through the little things that most people miss and this can be very useful in avoiding nefarious or even untrusted people. This isn’t just about reading body language or facial expressions, it’s about sensing people’s true emotions and intentions.

You are a deep thinker.

When you are highly intuitive, you will be lost in thoughts, taking time for self-reflection and understanding what certain events really mean. You may sometimes find yourself daydreaming about certain things, while others have forgotten about them. This is because you naturally see things in many layers of dimensions than average people.

Again naturally, an intuitive person would know shallow people because they don’t only absorb words, but the energies and emotions carried behind words. This is why you can see things deeper than average people because you sense the emotions and energies attached to certain thoughts or words.

You are automatically attracted to certain items, people, and places.

Being a highly intuitive person, you will most often find yourself avoiding certain places, items, and people without a logical reason. This is simply because you are subconsciously picking up their negative vibes and sense energies around places and items.

You find yourself not wanting to come into contact with such people, items, and places. In addition to this, as an intuitive person, you can also sense if your loved ones are in danger or in need of assistance. You end up calling someone close to you when they need you the most.

You can sense events before they happen.

This is what most people refer to as a gut feeling, where the viscera becomes highly active to alert of incoming danger. You will find yourself avoiding certain routes to work, you avoid certain people and places. It becomes a situation where you say something like, “I was lucky enough to be late to work and find out that our office caught on fire.” “I just didn’t feel like taking 1st avenue today and it turns out there was an accident”


Of course, there are many more signs that show you that you are a highly intuitive person. These are just a few of many other signs.

Intuition is something that a person is born with, however, it can also be developed as a skill. Our minds and bodies are extremely malleable, and we can mold and tune them into what we wish them to become.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.