What is Elon Musk Doing in My Dream?

Elonverse is encroaching my personal space.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
3 min readDec 13, 2022


Image source- Canva.

So, yesterday, I had a dream I was with Elon Musk, in the dream it didn’t surprise me as much, because it seemed as if it was something normal. When I woke up I was like, “What the Heck, Elon, you have gone so far now”

It is ok to own Twitter, but don’t think it’s ok to just enter other people’s Universes without their consent. I wonder if later in the future there is going to be a law for this, maybe if I teleport myself to that future, then I could sue him for millions?

I took the liberty of asking this Chatgpt about dreams and this is what it said (instead of googling the definition):

The exact cause of dreams is not fully understood, but it is believed that they are a product of the brain’s activity while we sleep. During sleep, the brain is still active, and it goes through different stages of activity. It is thought that during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, when most dreams occur, the brain is particularly active and this may be what leads to the creation of dreams.

Then, I asked what psychologists say about dreams;

Psychologists have different theories about the function of dreams, but most agree that they are a way for the brain to process information and emotions. Some psychologists believe that dreams help us to consolidate and process information that we have learned during the day, while others think that they may serve as a way for the brain to work through difficult emotions and experiences. Still, other psychologists believe that dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to express itself and to help us gain insight into our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and desires. Overall, the exact function of dreams is still a topic of debate among psychologists.

So, far so good right?

The Actual Dream.

I have a tendency of writing down my dreams and reflect on their meaning. Because the more I reflect on it the more I get insights, and now the more I write about it the more I learn what is the inner meaning.

Source Image by Muangakili.

What does the dream mean?

I don’t remember dreaming of being with other famous people at all.

So, after probing what the dream means and why was Elon in my dreams. I had an answer in form of a vision of Elon-sapiens as in homo-sapien or Elon-hominids, they were lots of them with Elon traits, they were jumping on the trees and doing their most innate instinctual things.

I interpret it as being in Elon's world, that I have entered into his Universe and his territory, you know when you enter into another species' turf, you might end up stepping on their droppings, find its fur, and such. This was the case.

I tried to trace it back to find out why would I be on his turf. That’s when it hit me. It hit me hard because as of lately, I have been playing with this Chatgpt which is the product of OpenAI. I have been so excited about it and seeing how the future is going to be. It all made sense, after learning that Elon Musk is a co-founder of OpenAI.

Image source — chatgpt screenshot


I find it interesting because, I recently wrote two articles about Artificial Intelligence which seems to be a hot topic for Elon Musk, and also I have been playing with this ChatGPT. My dreams have clearly shown me that I have entered into someone else turf. Dreams can be amazing tools if you have time to reflect on what they mean, they can give you a warning, directions, and even glimpses of future events, you simply need time to listen.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.