You Are Most Likely a Walk-In Without a Clue

Who are Walk-ins And Their Signs?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
5 min readOct 22, 2022


A Walk-in — Image source Pinterest.

A walk-in is a term I believe was coined by Dolores Cannon. I had heard a bit about it in one of Dolores Cannon’s videos, but I did not give much thought to it or understand it. A few days ago, I read Extraordinary Psychic by Debra Lynne Katz. In detail, she explained how she learned about these walk-ins from her clients.

Then it made so much sense as to what my guides were trying to tell me.

Who is a walk-in?

A walk-in is when another consciousness steps into someone’s body and continues to live, while the main consciousness has retreated into the background or left this plane of reality altogether. A walk-in is not demonic possession.

This can be for a period of time and then the main consciousness returns. It can be for the remainder of that lifetime, or it is for a brief moment.

It is more common than we imagine that walk-ins swap bodies in a very short period of time, most often in accidents, extreme circumstances, or in ecstatic situations.

In order to understand this phenomenon, we have to understand the spiritual realm in a broader sense where there are several key factors such as:

  • Your thoughts or ideas are usually not your own. Most of the time it is another being whispering to you. Your consciousness is soaked into other consciousness.
  • Consciousness transcends time and space and is not affected by distance or time. This means a being from another planet if your vibrations are in synchronization can merge their consciousness with you as easily as a driver switches the driver seat with another.
  • Separation or individuality is a human perception, as you are a part of a vast ocean of varied consciousnesses.
  • You share your body with other living things, just as you share the land with a community, a company, or even the world.

A person is only an individual when they are tuned into the specific frequency of their body and life at that moment. There are moments when other consciousnesses, coming to earth, do not fully ground their frequencies on specific life, they phase in and out of that frequency frequently.

This naturally allows other consciousnesses to enter and exit their lives. Most often these walk-ins are of the same soul group as family members, classmates, workmates, etc. They are not malicious entities. They simply ‘check in’ for you.

How will you know you are a walk-in?

In order to further understand this phenomenon, we need to revisit the nature of consciousness. The way we understand time and reality is based on our experiences. That means it is easy to assume that these walk-ins will be detected as soon as they walk in, but this is not the case.

The first question a person would ask is, will these memories be their own? To answer this question take the example of dreams. Have you ever had a dream that you were in the middle of a character’s life? You even remember their past experiences as if they were your own. You also have friends there who know you and you have known them for a long time?

This is because consciousness, once planted in a certain reality, expands toward the past, and the future. That means you will remember your childhood memories if you were planted during middle age. This makes it difficult to tell whether consciousness is a walk-in. However, there are several things that are apparent such as:

  • Sudden forgetfulness, disorganized thoughts, and mixed dates. You will find yourself having a hard time recalling things because the vibration of the previous dweller is not exactly the same. This is because there has to be a synchronization between the physical body and that consciousness.
  • Sudden loss of sexual appetite. You will find yourself in a situation where you feel sex is an unpleasant thing and gross. This is because other beings find human activities filthy.
  • Gender confusion may be that the being that walked in is very masculine or feminine which is not compatible with the current body. This is when a person gets confused about their gender and suddenly wants to change their sexual orientation or gender altogether.
  • A different kind of awareness, where a person might suddenly get access to higher wisdom than they used to. While in the past it was something that lingered at the back of their minds.
  • Bad mobility, where after an accident a person is unable to control their motor function properly. This is again because other beings have different nervous systems, and it takes time for them to adjust to this reality.
  • Lose interest in life altogether and focus on your spiritual work. It may happen that someone loses interest in life and is unwilling to socialize, where their main focus is on their spiritual work.
  • Too many dreams of different worlds and different realities in which you know these other beings.

Why walk-ins?

There are several reasons why walk-ins. One way is to save time where it only takes a certain amount of time for the mission to be completed. So, this makes it useless for a being to spend their entire childhood experiencing unnecessary human life. Instead, they can just walk in for two years and then take off.

The second reason is pollution. Some beings do not enjoy human life and are not interested in getting contaminated by human lifestyles or other experiences. But it becomes necessary for them to teach or share their skills with humanity. In this case, they simply make a plan to walk in for a few years, and then after completing the mission they leave.

Who are most likely walk-ins?

Most walk-ins are beings that do not want to stay long or have found an opportunity to come into this reality with the privilege of not forgetting who they are.

The majority of walk-ins are:

  • Starseeds,
  • Extraterrestrials,
  • Enlightened beings,
  • Angels,
  • Interdimensional travelers,
  • And witches.

Side effects of walk-ins

People who are walked in by multiple entities have a tendency to lose their mental clarity and focus and always feel lazy and run out of energy when walk-ins leave. This has a long-term side effect where a person may lose their grip on reality. It usually happens if a person has his life mission planned to be like that.

For most walk-ins, there may be depression, loneliness, gender confusion, antisocial behavior, and even suicide. It is crucial to know about this so that you can deal with it accordingly.

What to do if you are a walk-in

As a shaman, I would say the most effective way to deal with this situation is to first find your purpose for being here on earth. After that, align your consciousness with the right frequencies so that they can be in the same rhythm as that of the earth.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.