The Best Mobile App Development Companies Share These Principles

Michael F.
Build Better Software
2 min readMay 1, 2018

There’s quite a few app development companies in the market. Most of which aren’t worth their salt.

How can you find the best app development company?

Look for a company that shares these principles:

They get up to speed quickly

A talented team is going to quickly understand the problem and make immediate progress.

They understand your vision.

It’s clear what you’re getting into and the steps that you’re going to take working with them. Building an app is a two-way street. You can’t expect to hand 100% of your business over to an app development company and be happy with the result. You’ll need to produce the vision and be on the same page with your development company.

They’ve been there before.

Teams with experience know what it takes to get the job done.

They form a consistent relationship.

Great teams aren’t interested in quick, one-off deals. They’re looking to build experience over the long haul.

They do quality work.

You can tell a lot about the underlying code by looking at the app itself. If the app looks shotty, chances are the code under the hood isn’t great either.

They’re not cheap.

With software development, you’re going to get what you pay for.

They get results.

Ultimately, we understand a development company is only as good as the results delivered the the client.

They have a process

It’s imperative to find a team with a set of systems, standards, and tools they use on a regular basis to get the job done.

The original post can be found on our blog: The Best Mobile App Development Companies Share These 8 Traits



Michael F.
Build Better Software

Founder of Broadway Lab. iOS Developer. Machine Learning. Made in Texas.