100 Self-Care Ideas To Improve Your Life After Abuse

Viktoria Isabel
Broken Angels Project
5 min readDec 2, 2017
Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

Walking away from an abusive relationship can be very challenging for a victim. Many decide to stay with their abusers because leaving seems like an impossible thing to do. Depending on how long the abuse has been going on, the victim’s confidence, self-love and positive outlook on life have either significantly decreased or completely vanished.

It takes mental, psychological and physical strength to finally break away from a life that is full of toxicity and unhappiness. Survivors who have made it to the finish line finally have a chance to rebuild their lives, however, they are left with scars that will remind them of their dark past probably forever. Some still live in fear, suffer from depression or might be in danger to return to their abuser.

This is why it’s important to practice self-care. There are many things one can do, but it helps to have a list on hand, especially on the days when life gets especially overwhelming, and when finding the light within all the darkness is a tough challenge.

So here are 100 things one can, and should, regularly do to take care of oneself, to heal one’s heart, and to help oneself stay on a path that leads to positive change and eventually, back to self-love.

  1. Go for a walk in nature and take deep breaths
  2. Meditate
  3. Make sure you have enough sleep (at least 8 hours a day)
  4. Draw to express your feelings (like doodles or coloring books)
  5. Start a gratitude journal
  6. Light up candles
  7. Help out in an animal shelter
  8. Go on a digital detox and shut off all technology for an hour a day
  9. Take a bubble bath
  10. Cuddle with your pet
  11. Volunteer to help others in need
  12. Unfollow negative people on social media
  13. Distance yourself from toxic people in your life
  14. It’s absolutely okay to so “No.” Practice it regularly
  15. Buy high quality pajamas
  16. Find a type of exercise you enjoy (for example yoga, pilates, swimming, zumba or kickboxing)
  17. Drink soothing tea
  18. Listen to calm and uplifting music
  19. Buy fresh flowers
  20. Tidy and declutter your desk or workspace
  21. Watch a motivational TED talk
  22. Plan a relaxing weekend trip
  23. Join a support group
  24. Put on a face mask
  25. Get a manicure (yes, men can do this too)
  26. Start a new hobby (photography, crafting, or gardening are great)
  27. Create a bucket list and make a vision board and hang it on your wall
  28. Take your vitamins
  29. Plant a tree
  30. Wear red lipstick for no reason
  31. Write positive messages on sticky notes and put them on your mirror
  32. Buy yourself an outfit that you feel super comfortable in
  33. Try out a new recipe (if you don’t usually cook, start with something simple)
  34. Go to the library and read
  35. Chocolate is always allowed, so savor every bite of it
  36. Give yourself a day off
  37. Call a friend or loved one
  38. Plan a pamper day (face masks, hair masks, candles, healthy snacks, no phone)
  39. Watch the clouds and soak up the sun
  40. Practice smiling in front of the mirror
  41. Plan a daily morning routine that will get you excited to wake up
  42. Take yourself out on a date
  43. Declutter your closet and donate clothes
  44. Plan a movie night
  45. Make your bed
  46. Give someone a compliment
  47. Go to a concert
  48. Buy yourself a venti beverage at Starbucks
  49. Make a list of everything you enjoy doing and post it on your fridge
  50. Practice breathing exercises
  51. Reduce caffeine in your diet
  52. Buy a canvas, brushes and colors and create a painting for your wall
  53. Dance like nobody is watching
  54. Allow for all your feelings to come out
  55. Go to a museum
  56. Bake a cake
  57. Put together a puzzle
  58. Rearrange your furniture
  59. Try a new hairstyle
  60. Go see a movie and buy yourself a big bag of popcorn
  61. Learn a few sentences in a new language
  62. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
  63. Write about your anxiety
  64. See a mental health professional
  65. Have dinner with a close friend
  66. Be a tourist in your own city and visit new places you haven’t seen yet
  67. Forgive someone in your life
  68. Watch your favorite movie from your childhood
  69. Buy a few new decorative items for your room/ house
  70. For every worst-case scenario you imagine, think of the best possible thing that could happen
  71. Fill your social media with positivity by following inspirational or funny accounts (or as many dog/ cat/ fluffy animal accounts as possible)
  72. Write a love letter to yourself
  73. Imagine your dream life and make a list of steps you can take to get there
  74. Challenge yourself to go a full day without a single complaint (then do it again and again and again)
  75. Listen to a fun podcast
  76. Go see a play or fun show. Treat yourself to awesome tickets
  77. Give someone you love a long hug
  78. Go for a bike ride
  79. Make sure to eat fresh fruit every day
  80. Go to bed early
  81. Stop judging others and especially yourself
  82. Go to your favorite coffee shop and enjoy an afternoon reading and writing
  83. Take time to yourself away from others
  84. Go star gazing
  85. Buy a new pair of comfy slippers
  86. Practice laughing every single day
  87. Write a poem
  88. Spend quality time with your kids and/or loved ones
  89. Get rid of anything that will remind you of your abuser (block, delete and throw away)
  90. Do not force yourself to do something you really don’t want to do
  91. Take regular naps. No need to feel guilty about it
  92. Buy something for yourself you’ve been eyeing for a while
  93. Work on your friendships
  94. Stop bad habits such as drinking or smoking (start small, but it will so be worth it in the end)
  95. Regularly go to the doctor for a check up
  96. Make your room/apartment/house as cozy as possible
  97. Plan an evening of rest once a week. No to-do lists, no errands, no rushing
  98. Create a daily skin-care routine, and a wellness routine for the weekends
  99. Diffuse essential oils
  100. Be kind to yourself and others. Always be kind.

There are many other things one can do, but this list is a start. The most important thing to remember is that self-care is not an option, it’s essential. When having cuts and bruises from an abusive relationship, whether they are internal or external, it’s hard to find a healthy balance in life again. These ideas are meant to bring whoever is struggling back to a life they love.

If you have ideas you’d like to share that weren’t on this list, feel free to drop them in a comment.



Viktoria Isabel
Broken Angels Project

Emmy-nominated producer & journalist, obsessed with dogs, travel & space, bilingual, very proud Swiftie, NYC/Berlin