Silver Linings Within A Pandemic

Sera Maddingly
Broken Mirror Reflections
5 min readMay 25, 2020


Enjoying life more and worrying less — sort of.

Time Standing Still

It’s been around three months since the pandemic hit my state and everything closed down with shelter in place orders. It feels like it has been a year. Since I am an essential employee, nothing has changed for me. I still go to work five days a week and have to stay there for 8 hours. And yet, the time has felt like it is moving so painstakingly slow. It sucks being at work yet I am thankful for an income. Workdays going slow isn’t ideal but the weekends that now pass like I have more time than I ever had in those short 48 hours is an eye-opener.

With this newfound time — that I’ve always had but never felt — has given me the chance to really appreciate life. I now cherish every hour I can spend with my spouse and my two dogs. I find myself enjoying cooking dinners from recipes I’ve found online — PressureLuck anyone? — which is something I absolutely detested before things went sideways.

The time I have to spend at work is somehow bothering me less — sometimes. I’m finding just a sliver more of my ability to ignore the jerks and the button-pushers. Things aren’t perfect — far from it — but I don’t spend my days in total hatred of my position in life, which is so much better than I was before the pandemic hit. I’ve also begun a new…



Sera Maddingly
Broken Mirror Reflections

Digital Creator | Author | Corgi Lover. I write my truth. I write my pain. I write whatever pokes at my Scanner mind.❤