How To Make Money Blogging; for Beginners

Aaron Jarrels
Broken Moon Media
Published in
9 min readMar 1, 2021
Learn to earn money blogging, blogging for money, using a blog to generate income, ideas to make money blogging.
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Are you interested in finding out how to make money blogging from home? As an avid Disney fan, I was always living in my own little world. Real-world issues never made sense to me. Studying hard, going to work, pleasing bosses, earning tirelessly always seemed to be challenging tasks for me.

Though I have always earned a living, I always preferred smart work over hard work. Hopefully, some of you have the same approach towards work and money-making because what I am about to tell you might make a difference in your life.

I going to share with you how easy it is to start earning money by blogging. I’m not using any complex procedures here, just the basics.

So, let’s get started. Here are a few things you need to know to get started:

The Creative Art of Creating a Blog:

So, let us begin with the most crucial step of blogging. Some might say that generating income from blogs is tough, but making the blog is the trickiest.

The most important thing in blogging is Choosing the Topic. You need to pick a niche that you are comfortable in –and it must also be trendy. You cannot sell ice-cream in Antarctica. Pick any niche that belongs to current issues, health, technology, money-making, home and lifestyle, relationships, etc.

The next crucial step is to Go Live. You need a hosting and blogging platform where you can upload your blogs and manage them. While WordPress is the favorite choice for many bloggers and hosting service like Bluehost is exceptionally fast and gets you live with less money, so look at all the options. Just do not spend too much time digging too deep, remember the key is to start.

To Make A Blog, all you need to do is to keep it simple and straightforward. Remember, you are just a beginner, don’t spend lots on buying costly themes and designs. Instead, opt for simplicity. It is the content that matters. Write about something you have a passion for.

What makes a reader lose interest? –A web page that loads very slowly. It would be best if you had some plugins and tools that can help your Blog Load Faster.

Do you know that most blog visitors are viewing your blogs through their cell phone browser? Yes, almost 70% of them. What you need to do is develop your blog interface that looks Good on Mobile. Please keep it simple, avoid unnecessary pop-up ads, and choose a like-color theme and font.

The Essentials of Good Communication While Blogging:

As you are a beginner and you want to know the most comfortable way to make money blogging online, so we will keep it pretty straightforward.

How do you tell people that you have a blog and that you are selling services? Of course, you communicate with them either with Emails or Social Media.

Emails are still in trend –don’t think they aren’t. Chances are that people are more likely to open your promotional mail than your social media posts. So you need to compile a list with the help of an Email Marketing Tool, which will assist you in making a list based on interests, area, age, and other factors.

The next thing you will do is to go social. Social Media Blogging is there to back you up. Use it wisely. You must know the audience. Like I already said, you cannot sell an E-book about gaining weight to those who are already obese.

How do you earn through social media? It’s easy. You already have a blog, and you should make a page on your Facebook and Instagram where you can share details about your blog. If you have products to sell, then you can upload them and attach a link to your site for them to buy. You can join different Facebook Groups and pages and let them know about your blog.

Then, you need to be a bit extra and approach social media friends and influencers. Influencers know the art of selling. They know how to make your product appear as the center of attention. Prefer those friends who share your blogs. Pinterest is an excellent app for money-making blogs, be sure that people share your pins.

The most important thing about describing your blogs is to Believe in Your Blog First. You must have basic knowledge about your product or blog. It would help if you believed that what you created will be beneficial for others and that you can do it.

Other Helpful Facts About Blogging:

Many would say that you need to be patient and wait for a couple of months to start earning from your blogs. I say it all depends on you. You can earn even if you have published only one blog. I will even tell you how to make money blogging without ads. You need some facts and useful information to clear your doubts about blogging.

Not every Niche earns you money. Let’s say that you are an expert in chewing bubble gum. Will it help the audience? No! You need to understand that for earning money, you need to write a blog that is a Hot Topic. People mostly search about staying fit, doing a good makeover, how-to blogs, and food/travels. It would be best if you made your blog accordingly. Save the experimentation for later use.

You need to name your blog that also Matches Your Subject. Make sure your blog name resonates with the intended audience. Do not use any name that might be considered offensive unless that is your specific intent. I suggest you keep it simple and relatable.

Your Keyword Research game must be strong. When you type something on Google, it suggests related searches –those are keywords. The more you write on popular keywords, the more you get chances of Gaining Organic Traffic. There are many free and paid tools that you can use for writing on a specific keyword.

You do not need ads, mainly to earn money from your blogs. There are other ways too. Just like you, others also annoy watching these ads that slow up their phones. Ads bring more traffic, it is true, but you Do Not Need Heavy Traffic to start earning. You can make money with less traffic too.

Lastly, do not just make a Free Blog. Start big from day 1. It is OKAY to take risks, and failure makes you learn from your mistakes anyway. Make a money blog and focus on earning rather than making just free ones on a Blogger site.

5 Best Ideas to Help You Make Money Blogging for Beginners:

As I have already said, I am here to tell you about the five best ideas that you can start your blog with. These ideas will help your blog grow more organic traffic, more income, and more fun.

Earn Through Affiliate Marketing:

The most popular, and by far, the easiest way to earn significant revenues through blogging is Affiliate Marketing.

To explain it more straightforwardly, I will use an example.

Suppose I have bought a shop. It does not have any products right now or possibly a few products. I have lots of vacant space. What should I do? Of course, I will ask some other vendors to collaborate with me and give me his products. I will promote and sell those products and keep my commission from the sales of those products.

This is how affiliate marketing works. You become an affiliate marketer and sell someone else’s products to your blog visitors. This type of marketing can make you earn from day one if your strategies are right.

Amazon is still one of the largest Amazon Affiliate Market. You can connect your blog with Amazon products with the help of some online tools. After joining, you can choose the type of products that you want to sell. Then you’re done. You can contact other affiliate marketers as well.

Sell Your Online Courses:

What does a student want? A student wants to learn quickly. How does that happen? It happens when you present an easy online course.

One of the best ways to make money blogging is to create one that teaches others skills. I will use another example here.

Let’s suppose that you are good at game coding. Now, these courses are super expensive and tricky. You decide to teach people how to learn to code but with a lesser fee. There you go, now more people will visit your blog and buy your online course to learn the art.

And you do not need heavy equipment, just a good computer, an HD camera that can record your video and most importantly, the confidence to face the camera.

Online courses have become a massive hit since the COVID-19 Pandemic breakout. People are attending virtual online classes in quarantine to increase their skills. This means that now is the time.

Urge People to Buy Your eBook:

Everything has gone digital, even books. If you think you are a good author who can write, why not sell your eBooks to interested people.

Here’s the example:

Let’s say that you have studied psychology, or you are good at judging human behaviors. You can write an excellent E-book about different social issues and taboos. If you are a parent, you can write all about your parenting skills and helpful tips. If you are a chef, you can write your cookbooks and ask people to buy them for amazing recipes.

So that is how E-book work. You don’t need to write a whole big book. Just start with an exciting subject and to-the-point approach.

You can sell your eBooks through your blogs or by publishing it on platforms like Amazon. Send free copies to the influencers so they can read it and promote it on social media. You can also put a discount on it if the demand is increasing.

Sell Digital Products:

If you want to spend as little money on your blogs as possible, then selling digital products might be the right choice. You don’t need any money to create these products, unlike other physical products.

So if I give you an example.

Suppose that you are an enthusiastic nature photographer. You like to take HD photos of nature; then you can upload them on your blog as Stock Images. People pay highly to buy stock photos.

If you are good at making ASMR videos, then upload them on your blog with a little free trial to engage more people. You can create custom designs and templates for Instagram posts.

Moreover, if you are good at graphic design, then you can offer your services for printables. You can upload a cracked software at a lower price than its original. Many digital product ideas can make you earn through blogs.

Sell E-Services:

Lastly, I will quote the Joker. “If you are good at it, never do it for free.”

There are lots of opportunities for you if you are smart enough. Selling your services via your blog can earn you ample money without even leaving your room.

Just try to brainstorm and think about what the one quality that you can sell is.

Let’s assume that you are a lawyer. What you can do is that you can make a blog where people will ask you for necessary legal advice. You can charge them for it and make a considerable sum of money.

If you’re an astrologer, you can tell people about their future and earn revenue by fortune-telling.

How to Make Money from Home

Here are a few other ideas that can make you money online from home:

Content Writing:

Let others hire you for writing on their websites all through your blog.

Social Media Promoter:

You can sell your services as a virtual social media manager and promoter. People will hire you through your blog. They can see your previous works too.

Online Coaching:

You can teach online tuitions to the school, going kids, and help them prepare for their exams. Make an academic block, add some videos of your teaching, and post useful content for exams. There is literally no limit to what you can teach online to others.

Product Reviews:

There are many blogs where the bloggers review every latest tech gadget, whether it is a mobile, laptop, or camera. You can do it too. They go trendy swiftly.

Office Manager:

You can offer yourself an office secretary or manager with an excellent hourly or weekly rate. Your blog can help you with that.

Webinars and Memberships:

Inviting others for webinars on your blogs regarding specific issues can increase traffic and revenue. Offering membership for content like personal gym training or diet plans can also make you earn.

There many more ways you can make money using your blog. The key is to create a blog that is impactful with your audience. If you can capture the attention of your audience with your articles, you can leverage that relationship to generate an income. Good luck in your journey.



Aaron Jarrels
Broken Moon Media
Editor for

I am a licensed therapist and an industry-leading Motivation & Mindset Coach who specializes in helping leaders learn to motivate themselves and others easily.