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The Other Map
Broken Time Machine
2 min readJul 20, 2022


We’re just getting started, but if you’re writing history or culture content and it’s not in a publication, you can always send it our way. 90% of the selection process is the TOPIC (see below). Comment if you’d like to be added as a writer, but note that doing so in no way means you will get published — we judge by the submission. The best way to figure out what we like is to look at what we’ve already published, but here are the cliffsnotes:


Basically we will turn down anything where the FOCUS is war, crime, politics, or violence. Note the word focus — these things can certainly be included, but can’t be what you’re writing about. An arts movement that flourished in spite of a war? Now we’re talking.

Usually we avoid geographic areas and cities that have been overexposed or written about extensively. This definitely not as hard and fast as the above, but if it’s about London, Paris, Los Angeles, or Italy, we’re probably not interested. Manchester, Marseille, Detroit, or Thailand? That’s more like it.

If that didn’t scare you off, there’s more!


If your story is unpublished, which we very much prefer, ONLY INCLUDE PHOTOS YOU’VE TAKEN YOURSELF. If you’re an artist or have an artist friend, that’s awesome and we will gladly publish ORIGINAL ART if it fits with the story. If you don’t have your own photos or access to original art you have the rights to, we’ll add our own art (which we will clear with you before publishing). The same applies if your story is published; we’ll need to change the images if the existing ones are not your photographs or art.


It can’t completely suck, but the bar’s pretty low (obviously).

And that’s pretty much it. If it’s written poorly we may ask you to edit and resubmit, but that’s not as big of a concern. Also it’s not a problem if English isn’t your first language because if we like the topic we’ll gladly work with that.

Still interested in contributing? Comment on this post and we’ll add you as a contributor, at which point you can submit. Thanks and peace!



The Other Map
Broken Time Machine

Join us as we explore an alternate take on the world via history.