Welcome To Brook Publication

A place where you can connect and direct your life based on the understandings of your thought process.

Pragati Gautam
Brook Publication


1 min readSep 26, 2020


Photo Courtesy Of The Editor ( Pragati Gautam )

Brook Publication aims at providing you with a new and a different perspective of life. A perspective that you can view and use by your own understandings and means of your living.

The stories published here are just an insight as to how the writers want to express their thoughts and experiences.

It is always upto you how you can define the journey of your life.

Our aim at Brook Publication is to provide you with the quality content that will help you understand yourself and will lead you in the positive direction.

I hope the journey we start today lasts forever and thank you for your support.

We will try our best to deliver you with high quality content and something that you can takeaway from into your way of life.

Thanking you

Pragati Gautam

( Editor )



Pragati Gautam
Brook Publication

Writings Based on my experiences and learnings from life. Trying to make my experiences worthwhile for the readers. Email ID — gautampragati14@gmail.com