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What Are You Worth To You?

Finding Liberation in Unworthiness

Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2024


A sense of inadequacy crashed into me as I sat there on the sofa, looking through her LinkedIn profile. I knew her. We had shared classes and volunteered together. Yet, as I saw her accomplishments and her awards, I felt tiny.

She was intelligent, talented, and driven. And I am only 1 out of the 3 traits. As if that wasn’t enough, I harbored a secret crush on her.

I foolishly believed that I stood a chance. But as I looked, it became clear she was leagues beyond me. No, not even that.

That’s like saying volcanoes cause property damage. True, but a significant understatement. She was in an entirely different dimension than me.

I felt a crushing blow to my self-esteem. Every ounce of confidence I had mustered up was suddenly taken away, leaving me feeling unworthy and insignificant.

Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

How could I ever hope to compete with someone like her? The answer was simple — I couldn’t.

But then, something unexpected happened. A strange feeling of freedom washed over me.

I was freed from the handcuffs of comparison and insecurity, by accepting my perceived inadequacy.

I realized I didn’t need her validation or approval to feel worthy. I didn’t need to measure up to her standards or compete for her attention.

In fact, I didn’t need her at all. Sure, she may have been intelligent and talented, but who’s to say she was any happier or fulfilled than I was?

Who’s to say that her life was as perfect as it appeared on the surface? Maybe she was simply overrated, and maybe, just maybe, I was better off without her.

I know it sounds incredibly cliché, like that timeless story “The Fox and the Grapes.” And for those who think that I understand why.

But acceptance can be incredibly liberating. Accepting that I was unworthy meant I didn’t feel the need to measure up. I was free to focus on myself.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

So, to anyone out there who has ever felt inadequate or unworthy when compared to another, I urge you to embrace acceptance.

Accept that you may never be on the same level as those you admire.

And that it is okay!

True self-worth doesn’t come from measuring up to someone else’s arbitrary standards, it comes from accepting that you are enough.

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