Launching a poetry and erotica publication on Medium involves more than just posting stories or poems


Chrystal Contributes - HoV & BTC Editor


Join the new Haven of Voices today!

HOV | Haven of Voices

Main Topics:

  • Broad Spectrum of Themes and Genres (e.g., Erotica, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, BDSM, Love Letters, Humor, Satire)
  • Inclusivity in Storytelling
  • Celebrating Diverse Voices and Perspectives
  • No AI and Only 2 stories per day published!

Submission Guidelines Live

When submitting your work, please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure your story finds its place among the voices of our sanctuary:

  • Include the Title of Your Work at the top of your submission.
  • tags are as listed above. If you want to make room for HOV also that is great.

With everything that happened last month with the purge, being incredibly sick, and wanting more from my writing experiences, I have decided to create a Haven of Voices.

My plan here is to give you the writer and my audience a new home to store your works without fear. Your voice will be heard and we will help each other grow.

Joining “Haven of Voices” No Membership Required

At “Haven of Voices,” we believe in the power of stories to connect us, transcending barriers and boundaries. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to share their voice, regardless of membership on any platform.

You do not need to be a member of any specific medium to submit your work to us. Our community thrives on the diversity of its contributors, and we’re committed to making storytelling accessible to all.

Let “Haven of Voices” be the ground on which your words take flight. I want everyone to feel welcome and know if it’s within the guidelines, it will be published here.

Whether it’s through a whisper of poetry, a short burst of fiction, or a series that unfolds in captivating waves, your voice has a home here. Take the step, send a comment, or an email, or dive in with your heart leading the way.

Together, let’s fill this sanctuary with the essence of our spirits and the depth of our imaginations.

If you are not on this list and would like to be added please leave a comment.

Here is a personal invitation from some of my subscribers who write amazing works! I would love to see your work in my new Poetry and Love letter Publication!

Collaborate with Us:

In addition to inviting storytellers,Haven of Voices” is seeking an editor passionate about nurturing voices and polishing narratives. If you have a keen eye for detail, a heart for storytelling, and the desire to be part of a community that values every word, we need you.

Together, we will ensure that “Haven of Voices” remains a beacon for writers and readers alike, a testament to the power of shared stories and the beauty of diverse perspectives.

To express your interest in joining as a contributor or to step forward as our collaborative editor, please reach out to me directly at

In your email, specify your intention by placing “HOV Submission” or “HOV Editor” in the subject line. This is not just a call to action; it’s an invitation to be part of something truly special.

How to Get Involved:

Ready to share your story, poem, or series with us? Getting started is easy:

  • Leave a Comment: If you’re already following “Haven of Voices” on our platform feel free to drop a comment expressing your interest. We’re eager to hear from potential contributors and will provide you with all the information you need to submit your work.
  • Email Us: For a direct line of submission or if you have any questions, send an email to Whether you’re looking to submit a Dribble, Drabble, Hundo, Haiku, Freeform Poetry, or pitch a Series or Column, we’re here to listen and guide you through the process. Don’t forget to include “HOV Submission” in your subject line to ensure your message finds its way.

Remember, Haven of Voices” is more than just a publication; it’s a community of storytellers, poets, and dreamers.

Welcome to “Haven of Voices.” Your story starts here.

Thank you and I cant wait to welcome you aboard!

Chrystal Brotherson

Some more invitations for readers I love!



Chrystal Contributes - HoV & BTC Editor
BrothersonTribeCo | Twin Mommasaurus| Mindset Coach | Creator of Haven of Voices & Brotherson Tribe Co. | Founder of Steamy Storyteller