Introduced by our dear mother as Chanda Mama ….


From our tender childhood years, we formed a special bond with him, even though he remains distant.

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5 min readMar 18, 2024


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This connection with him feels inevitable, like an old friend.

As we grow older, we come to understand that he is not just any friend, but a celestial body — a planet of wonder.

The anticipation for the blessed month of Ramadan begins with a flurry of activity, as households prepare by cleaning every nook and cranny and detoxing our minds.

It’s time to rid ourselves of the negative thoughts and attitudes that may have accumulated and to open our hearts with wholeheartedness to others.

Photo by Sadman Sakib on Unsplash

We eagerly await the grand arrival of Ramadan, our eyes filled with hope, searching the evening skies for the first glimpse of the crescent moon, the herald of Ramadan. Sometimes we are blessed to witness its beauty, while other times the playful weather keeps it hidden, adding to the thrill of the chase. Yet there is magic in witnessing the crescent firsthand, a joy that transcends mere words.

After sighting the crescent, we recite a heartfelt dua.

“O Allah, let the crescent moon appear over us with security and Iman; with peace and Islam; and with ability, for us to practice such actions which you love. (O Moon) your creator and my creator is Allah.”

With smiles and handshakes, we exchange wishes of ‘ Ramadan Chand Mubarak’, marking the beginning of a sacred month.

As the night falls, the melodious recitation of Tarahwee prayers fills the air. As dawn breaks we gather for suhoor ( meal before starting fast). Despite the early hours, there is a sense of anticipation and excitement.

For us, fasting is not yet obligatory, but it is a journey we eagerly anticipate. Around the age of seven, we take our first steps, waking up for suhoor and embracing the challenge with enthusiasm. And though

Our mother gently reminds us a half fast is enough for children.

As the blessed month of Ramadan drew to a close, we found ourselves embracing a full-day fast with a newfound enthusiasm., marking a milestone in our spiritual journey.

It was a day of celebration in our family. The most important part of fast, breaking fast at dusk is called Iftar(meal of breaking fast). We all gather at iftar. Whenever we children fast, we request our mom to prepare our favourite dish for iftar.

Supplications at the time of breaking the fast will never be rejected, so our little hands raise in supplication at the time of iftar.


We extended the spirit of generosity by sharing iftar with our neighbours, encouraging and inspiring the younger ones in our community. We received small gifts as encouragement. With each passing year, as Ramadan ascended upon us , we delved deeper in to the fasting.

  • From our earliest years, our mother instilled in us the importance of not only refraining from food and drink but also from engaging in harmful behaviours such as backbiting, quarrelling amongst siblings, and giving in anger. For our fasts to be truly accepted by the Almighty, we needed to embody patience and righteousness in all aspects of our lives. It was challenging in my childhood days.

During Ramadan, our parents plan for Zakat. We assist our mother in calculating Zakat. We prepare list of people to whom the cash should be given, and we include some of school children who are in need of money.

Every member of the family was eager to select good quality old clothes from their wardrobes to donate to the poor.

With all these huzzle-buzzle activities, the Ramadan month passes quickly.

As the last ten days of Ramadan approach, we meticulously plan to engage in prayers in every odd night, fervently seeking Lailatul Qadr. The night where angels descend .” It is the night of decree. The night of decree is better than a thousand months”.

As we engage in night prayers and begin planning for new clothes and special dishes the month of Ramadan draws with sighting of the crescent moon.

With the sighting of the crescent, the festivity mood sinks into the air. Joy fills the hearts as night prayers come to an end, and the air is filled with wishes of “EID MUBARAK”.

The day commences with performing ghusl which is bathing, adorning new clothes, and giving fitrah (charity for the poor, who can also celebrate Eid in the best way)before proceeding to Eid gah (the place where community prayers are held). Participating in community prayers, wishing each other, and embracing each other joyfully.

  • In childhood Ramadan may seem like a month to be observed as a ritual, but as we grow older, we realize it’s a month of “patience and training”.
  • It serves as a training ground for the entire eleven months of the year, teaching us mindfulness, discipline, and the importance of controlling desires.
  • It guides us towards living a better and more purposeful life.
Eid day celebrations.....india
Receiving Eidi from elders

The most cherished part of Eid day is collecting Eidi. Family elders, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and visiting relatives all gave Eidi to kids. At night after all the guests have left, counting Eidi and planning what toy or item to buy with it is the most memorable aspect of Eid day.


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I am a new entrant in the world of writing. Trying my hands at writing in leisure time. I craft stories that happened in my around,to improve quality of life.