Lovely Relations

A story of healing

Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2024


Just came back from the hospital and the doctor recommended rest. As I lay in bed, I can’t help but worry. How will my husband and son manage to take care of me and the household? As I navigate through these turbulent times, countless questions flood my mind, leaving me feeling restless.

My husband, being a dedicated researcher, is always engrossed in his research papers. Although I’m happily married, I often find myself wishing he would take a break from work and spend more time with us.

He sat next to me, placing his hand on mine, and said, "Everything will pass soon, just relax." Meanwhile, my son sat across from me, his face filled with worry. Our supper passed in tense silence.

After taking tablets I went to bed.

The next day morning I woke up with a gentle pat. My husband standing beside me, I greeted him, Assalamu Alaikum, as

it’s my daily routine.” Let us have tea”, he said. I agreed and freshened up before coming back to bed.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

To my surprise, my husband stood there with two cups of tea, one covered with cream and little sugar. I looked at him in disbelief; he had never made tea before ,nor shown any interest. But today exactly he made, how I like, I was gazing at him, is this man who always looked busy, know about my interest so deeply? He sat beside me with his cup of tea, “Drink it, and tell me how it tastes”. I looked at him still astonishment, he sensed my amazement, breaking the silence, he said “l have always enjoyed your passionate way of drinking creamy tea”. He continued ,

"Remember this message: 'You are not sick, my dear.' This test is ongoing, and how I behave during this time is my test. We are constantly being tested, working for our hereafter. Embracing patience during sickness brings rewards. Taking care of you is rewarding for me. Through these tests, we pave our way to Jannah. We can’t enjoy paradise without our loved ones, so let’s support each other on the path to Jannah.' This was the first time I truly grasped the meaning of a Quranic verse."

Qul inna Salaatee wa nusukee wa mahyaaya wa mamaatee lillaahi Rabbil `aalameen

(6:162) Say: 'Surely my Prayer, all my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are for Allah alone, the Lord of the whole universe.

"Praying at a fixed time and reciting verses of the Quran is easy. However, living up to this verse from the Quran has always been a challenge for me. Every action we take - whether it’s showing love to our spouse for the sake of Allah, or remembering Him in every moment - is true worship. As I glanced over at him, he is quietly sipping his tea, it struck me that this man was not just a researcher in Chemistry, but also Islam. He truly understands the essence of his religion. With that realization, I enjoyed my tea with positive vibes."

During breakfast, I was completely taken aback to find my son meticulously setting the table, mimicking my actions. This was the same kid who always neglected to tidy his bed and received an earful from me regularly. It was a complete transformation, and I could hardly believe what I was seeing!

I was sitting on the bed, feeling a bit bored, when I decided to pick up my phone and check my messages. That’s when my son surprised me by swooping in and gently taking the phone from my hand. "Mom, you need to rest. Staring at the screen for too long isn’t good for you. Close your eyes and take a break from all the calls," he said. It was such a caring moment that it felt like he had suddenly stepped into the role of my mom.

I received a phone call from my daughter who is living abroad. She said, "ALLAH wanted to give you a break from daily work, enjoy your days, and don’t overthink. Everything happens for a reason. By the way, my brother will learn how to take care of his wife in the future." Her laughter echoed through the phone. It’s amazing to see how much she has grown, my little mummy’s doll.

After an exhausting fifteen days of bed rest, I lay on my bed, reflecting on the challenges of being unwell. As a dedicated homemaker, taking care of my family has always been my top priority. However, being confined to bed made me appreciate the value of good health even more. Moving around was tough, and I found myself longing for the simple freedom of mobility. Thankfully, my spirits were lifted by the visits from caring relatives who shared their own stories of recovery and filled the room with positivity. Their gestures made me realize the significance of visiting the sick – it truly is a rewarding and compassionate act.

Ali bin Abu Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying, "When a Muslim visits a sick Muslim at dawn, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till dusk. If he visits him in the evening, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till the morning; and he will have (his share of) reaped fruits in Jannah."

Now I understand, why the prophet highlighted these small acts with rewards, in order to enhance human relations . My sickness taught me many lessons in life. Children always follow what their parents practice.

"Thanks to all the amazing connections in my life, I bounced back sooner than I thought possible."

I expressed my gratitude to the almighty Allah for blessing me with wonderful relationships.

"Always be grateful for the blessings in your life. Finding joy in the little moments and showing care and love within your family brings happiness and fulfillment."




I am a new entrant in the world of writing. Trying my hands at writing in leisure time. I craft stories that happened in my around,to improve quality of life.