A Middle Schooler’s Victory Among Giants: A Middle School Prodigy’s Journey

Triumph at the Podium

Unveiling the Essence of True Success

Anirudh Rao
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2024


Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

On the eve of what would become a defining moment in my young life, I found myself enveloped in a whirlwind of anticipation and apprehension. The impending state-level speech competition in Pennsylvania was more than just an event; it was a crucible in which my mettle as a speaker and my convictions as an individual would be tested. I was grateful for the opportunity, yet the weight of the expectation bore heavily on my shoulders.

The Eve of Challenge: That night, the vast auditorium that would host the event loomed large in my mind, its seats soon to be filled with an audience whose gaze would be fixed upon me. The judges, arbiters of my fate, awaited with their criteria to assess my oratory skills. Despite my rigorous preparations, rehearsing my speech over two dozen times, and scrutinizing my performance through recordings, the specter of doubt lingered.

Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash

A Leap Beyond Comfort: Being a 6th grader thrust among high school competitors intensified the pressure. My coach saw in me a talent that transcended the middle school echelon, a notion that filled me with pride yet also trepidation. The high school arena was a domain of the seasoned and the formidable, and here I was, a novice among veterans, feeling misplaced yet propelled by the encouragement of my parents and coach to take this leap.

The Loneliness of Pioneering: In the high school category, I was one of only two middle schoolers deemed capable of competing at this level. This distinction, while an honor, amplified the pressure and the sense of isolation. My peers, towering figures of academia and eloquence, seemed like giants compared to my fledgling presence.

A Night of Turmoil: The night before the competition was restless, plagued by fears of faltering on stage, of the laughter of an unforgiving audience, of the disapproval of the judges. These fears, though irrational in hindsight, felt all too real in the solitude of my room.

Photo by Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash

A Conversation of Enlightenment: It was a heart-to-heart with my cousin Amrut that became a beacon of clarity in my tumult. Amrut, with his impeccable academic record and a string of accomplishments, seemed an unlikely source of solace, yet his words that night reshaped my understanding of success and failure.

Amrut’s Wisdom: Amrut dismantled the myths surrounding his journey, revealing struggles akin to mine and imparting a crucial distinction between success and victory. “Success is not about the accolades or the recognition; it’s about knowing you’ve given your all to the task at hand,” he explained. This revelation, that effort and attitude were the true measures of success, was liberating.

The Day of Reckoning: With Amrut’s counsel as my armor, I approached the podium the following day not as a contender for a title, but as a vessel for a message I believed in. The audience’s applause and the judges’ nods of approval, were affirmations of my effort, not just my skill.

Photo by Joshua Golde on Unsplash

The Verdict: When my name was announced as the winner, the victory was sweet, but the journey, with its trials and tribulations, was sweeter still. I had not only won a competition; I had triumphed over my doubts and fears.

Key Message: In reflecting on this pivotal chapter of my life, I am filled with gratitude for the challenges that shaped me and the wisdom that guided me. Success, I’ve learned, is not a trophy or a title; it’s the peace that comes from knowing you’ve done your utmost, regardless of the outcome. This philosophy, born from a night of uncertainty and a moment of triumph, continues to illuminate my path, reminding me that true success lies in the journey, not the destination.

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