Myisha’s Sister Story

Brown Sisters Speak
Brown Sisters Speak
2 min readOct 16, 2019

Growing up sweeping my issues under the rug, I feel the importance to share my story. I've felt ashamed to admit that I struggle with depression and anxiety, all while raising three children as a single mom.

I was a very shy child, I did not talk much because I did not know what to say. I was told children were to be seen not heard, so I stayed quiet In school I had some friends, but the preteen/ teen years were the worse. I stayed relatively quiet except for a few people I let in. During my teen years I was also raped. After high school I became a runner, I was looking to fulfill a need in my life, but not knowing I had mental health issues. While running I became sexually active, endured three miscarriages, and was physically and emotionally abused.

It took me five years , the birth of my son and struggling with post partum depression to learn I had depression and anxiety. Once I was diagnosed I tried medication but it felt unnatural I thought GOD would cure me and prayer would work and it did.. Kind of. When my son got his first diagnoses of Sensory Processing Disorder I knew I had to get some help. I went to therapy sporadically, so much so, I felt it was not helping . So I spent the last 11 years of my life in out of therapy, seeking ways to find help, but it wasn’t enough.

Fast forward a year later I was severely depressed with my daughter realizing I had unresolved childhood trauma, depression, low self-esteem, and thoughts of suicide. In November of 2012 7 days after the birth of my daughter I was hospitalized for post par-tum depression and suicidal idealization. I was released from the hospital with a wellness recovery action plan, including attending therapy.

Since being released from the hospital in 2012 I have had three episodes (winter/summer 2013) of suicidal idealization, and manic depression. In the summer of 2013 I relocated to Oakland , Ca and continue to thrive on my wellness recovery action plan. I have made many positive strides to move forward, Brown Sister Speaks is an extension of my progress.

This post originally appeared on 12/5/2015



Brown Sisters Speak
Brown Sisters Speak

Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support For Women Of Color