The Ultimate SEO Guide for Writers Who Don’t Want to Deal With It

Maximize organic search with this simple SEO checklist

Brown Sugar


Photo by Valentin Antonucci on Unsplash

I’m a writer, dammit.

So goes the conversation with almost every writer I coach when I mention SEO and other ways to market their writing online.

Unfortunately, for anyone publishing their work on the internet, SEO has to be an integral part of any online marketing strategy if you want to gain new readers, views, and subscribers.

Google is constantly tweaking their search engine algorithm, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t certain steps you can take to help you rank well in the SERPS regardless of what new updates Google releases.

Follow this simple SEO checklist and you’ll see your blog or website rise in the rankings — no in-depth SEO knowledge or mastery required.

1. Write to Topics Not Keywords

Keyword stuffing has long been dead, but many people are still using keywords as the holy grail of on-page search engine optimization.

Today, it’s best to write to topics instead of keywords. Instead of focusing content around a set of keywords, focus on what people are searching for and then write to that.

