Professional Logo VS Freelance Logo

Broworks Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 12, 2019

The article describes how colors and shapes in the logo influence brand image, what is the difference between professional and freelance logo design and why is logo important for our business.

A logo is a hearth of a brand identity which presents the personality of a company or a product. Logo can be a good start to set a connection with a target audience and to tell a story of your brand. When they see your logo they should know what is your business or product about.

We will describe what is the difference between a professional and a freelance logo through the steps of the logo making process. In the end, we will know why is logo so important for our business.

But lets first try to explain what does it means to have a good logo. Let's imagine we are in the store where you can buy anything you want, from food, computers, washing machines, mobile phones, books, anything you can imagine. And let's say you like to eat, especially chocolate. You then go to the part of the store where chocolate is. The biggest chances are to grab the chocolate you love the most, that you already tried so many times. But what if from all these chocolate packages one grabs your attention with its unique design that stands out from all others. You will be intrigued and will buy it eventually just to see is it tasty as it looks like. From all this, we can see how branding is important, how creating for the right target audience is also very important and if we don’t do the logo or branding properly its just a waste of time and money.

Professional VS Freelance

A professional logo design is not just for creative agencies. A good freelance designer can also make a very meaningful and strong brand. Unfortunately, they are not always very cheap, but if you think you are going to pay less today, you will play three times more tomorrow. Because constant trends will make your logo live a very short life or even worse, a bad logo can drive your target audience from your market. That can cost you thousands of dollars without even realizing that potential customers don’t even give your product or service a chance, and thinking this is the real problem is the last thing on your mind.

A freelance logo design is creating a “good looking” logo, without researching the market, competitors and establishing your target audience. There are way too many freelance designers and agencies that create a logo or a brand this way. Many of them say they can’t argue with the clients, but the real problem is in them not knowing how to explain its importance and why all this is good for their business.

But let’s not criticize anyone, let’s try to explain all of this.

Let's be real here, both logos look good, but what is the difference then?

The main difference here is in studying your competitors, your market and target audience. Doesn't matter even if you have the best-looking logo on the planet if it's not designed for your audience your business will fail.

Psychology in logo design

To make an effective logo, designers have to consider the tiniest components which it is built of and think about the influence they will have on potential clients. Knowledge of psychological principles helps to understand human aspirations and motivations which means designers can predict the possible users’ reactions to certain solutions.

People often put on the side their consumers and start to think about if they like it personally, which is wrong. The best for our business is to set all these feelings aside and start to think professionally. Because our mind often reacts to visual objects affecting the emotions and behavior. Certain shapes and colors can affect how we perceive some brands, which emotions they evoke and what kind of message they send. Each component chosen thoughtfully helps people read the meaning of the logo right.

Color in logo design

The colorcom website did research about how color affects the human mind. The results have shown that it takes 90 seconds for people to make a subconscious judgment about a product and between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone. So next time think twice before choosing a color for your brand.

The simpler, the better.

Simple shapes with the right color will make easier for people to remember our brand. In our previous articles, we described to details impact of the color in Design. But don’t let all this to look that it’s easy to choose a color just by knowing its meaning. Visual perception is quite individual for everyone so the color effects may be different because of the factors such as age, culture, and gender. That is why research is needed to be done thoroughly for every brand to make sure we are using the right color choice.

Shape in logo design

Not all logos are squared, circled or triangled and people may not notice them at all at first, but it can have a great impact on their consciousness and behavior. For example:

Circles and round shapes — Magic, Mystery, Female, Friendly, Happy

Squares and rectangles — Strenght, Courage, Stability, Security

Triangles — Dominance, Balance, Risk

Spirals — Intelligence, Growth, Creativity

Abstract shapes — Uniqueness, Elaborate

Typography also needs to be chosen wisely when making a logo, if not, a logo can have a different meaning or even confuse your potential clients/consumers.

Combining all of this, finding your target audience, researching your competitors, can help your brand to be successful and stand out from the crowd. But without all these steps, your chances to succeed on the market are much less. In the end, it's up to you how hard you will fight for your business.



Broworks Blog

We are a creative studio specializing in UI/UX design, webflow development, branding, and animation.