Gas and Transfer Fee Updates on Octus Bridge

Beckham Marlow
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2023

The latest updates to fees on Octus Bridge are here! In case you weren’t aware, there are two types of fees on the bridge: gas fees, which are paid in native coins for blockchain interaction, and transfer fees, which are paid in transfer tokens for the service that the platform provides.

Gas fees are always mandatory, because you always have to pay to put data into a blockchain. Now when you transfer tokens from Everscale to any bridge-supported EVM network and vice versa, you have a new way to pay for gas fees — in native outbound network coins. It is worth mentioning that it is still possible to pay gas fees with coins of both networks.

Transfer fees are only paid under certain conditions. There are new conditions for all tokens, as all Octus Bridge Vaults have recently been switched to MultiVaults. You can read all about it below.

Everscale → EVM

Gas fees

Let’s imagine you transfer tokens from Everscale to BSC but you don’t have any BNB, the native coin of BSC. To make the transfer, you can pay the gas fees in EVER, the native coin of Everscale. This feature can be enabled in the second step of the transfer. Here’s how it looks in the interface:

In addition, the bridge will conveniently calculate the approximate gas fees. If they turn out to be too expensive, the difference will be returned to your wallet.

Transfer fees

For Everscale → EVM transfers, a 0.5% transfer fee is paid if the token was originally created in an external network (i.e., not Everscale), and no fee is paid if the token was originally created on Everscale. Exceptions are USDC, USDT, DAI, WBTC, and WETH tokens, for which a 0.08% transfer fee is paid.

EVM → Everscale

Gas fees

The same feature works for Everscale as well! You don’t need EVER to transfer tokens from any bridge-supported EVM network to Everscale — you can pay for gas fees with the native coin of an EVM network.

For example, let’s say you transfer tokens from BSC to Everscale but you don’t have any EVER, the native coin of Everscale. To make the transfer, you can pay for the gas fees in BNB, the native coin of BSC. This feature can be enabled in the second step of the transfer. Here’s how it looks in the interface:

What’s more, when transferring tokens from EVM to Everscale, you can specify the minimum amount of EVER to be received on the Everscale side for additional needs in exchange for the native coin of the EVM network!

Transfer fees

For EVM → Everscale transfers, no transfer fee is paid if the token was originally created in an external network (i.e., not Everscale), and a 0.5% transfer fee is paid if the token was originally created on Everscale.


The updates make exploring the world of blockchains connected to Octus Bridge easy.

It has also become easier to bring new users into the Everscale ecosystem — now they can settle in from scratch and get the amount of native EVER coins they want in a completely decentralized way.

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About Octus Bridge

Octus Bridge is a decentralized DAO-controlled bridge facilitating fast cross-chain transfers in any direction within a single interface. Powered by Broxus.

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