Inside Broxus — 2022 insights

Published in
7 min readFeb 7, 2022

CEO foreword

Changing is never easy. For a long time, Broxus has been focusing on the extensive growth of its ecosystem: the Bridge, Swap, wallets, libs (libraries for developers), etc. — all to make Everscale a better place for developers and investors.

Our team has exploded to three times its original size in just one year, and the complexity of managing the project (especially product management) has grown exponentially. Such growth is impossible without sacrifices: you have to put aside the things that can wait, but inevitably you’re going to have to face this pile.

At the end of January, we decided to bring the team together in one room to understand better what Broxus is and what we want it to be in the coming year. Two days later, we left with a much clearer vision of our priorities and where we are going.

In this article, we will do what we have never done before — give you the inside scoop on our strategy and priorities in order to become more transparent and open for our users and investors.

Enjoy reading!

Vladislav Ponomarev,
CEO, Broxus


Fifty-eight. That’s the total number of projects that our team developed over the past year. From small but useful Telegram bots to complex distributed systems (like the Bridge or Swap), they are improving the lives of thousands of users.

Can you imagine how difficult it is to manage 58 products? We don’t have to.

We have picked eleven of them that will be our priority in 2022 and we will supply them with the most resources and support.

Moreover, we plan to make the development process more transparent and put major features on public boards to give you better visibility of what we are doing at the moment. It will be challenging for us, so remember — your feedback is key.

Last but not least, we will rename our products to reflect the network rebranding and our own positioning. We have selected a shortlist of names and are now running trademark searches to ensure they are not occupied.


The king remains the king. The Bridge is our core priority and flagship product, and we will be focusing on further improving its security and convenience, attracting additional relayers, and enhancing its functionality.

Here is a sneak-peek on what will appear on the Bridge:

  • Support of the new version of TIP-3 tokens;
  • New chains (Avalanche will be the first, TRON, and Solana);
  • Liquidity requests;
  • On-chain reputation;
  • Cross-chain oracles;
  • Security upgrades;
  • Facilitated token listings;
  • NFT bridge.

Moreover, we will be focusing on supporting projects using Invisible Bridge technology to enhance their dApps and bring more liquidity and users into Everscale. It includes hackathons, grants, consultancy, etc.


Let’s answer your first question: yes, the Swap will have its own token and DAO. We are preparing the tokenomics and will release additional information once it’s ready.

In terms of functionality, we are closely monitoring the best use cases from other dexes, and here’s what we would like to implement:

  • Stablecoin pools with more of a flat curve that minimizes slippage;
  • Custom pool fees;
  • Cross-chain exchanges;
  • Fully-functional DAO;
  • P2P exchanges;
  • Marginal trading.


As a single wallet with many facets, the Ever wallet will receive a bunch of updates in 2022. So let’s start with what it will not have (c’mon guys, we’re tired of answering this time and time again):

  • Debots. It is not our focus area at all, as we are not aiming to turn the wallet into a blockchain browser;
  • Support for other networks (e.g., EVM). Although the idea seems reasonable and straightforward, it is as complex as creating an entirely new wallet from scratch. We believe there are many more exciting things we can do with the Ever wallet.

Instead, we would like to focus on:

  • Improving UI/UX even further;
  • Adding Ledger support, which is crucial for institutions;
  • Making better developer interfaces and bindings to Nekoton;
  • Adding NFT support,
  • Providing a simple way to buy Ever;
  • Supporting multiple token lists.


Your favorite Everscale browser will become much, much better in 2022, especially in terms of UX/UI:

  • Contract interaction tools;
  • Upgraded contract verifier;
  • DeNS;
  • NFT viewer;
  • Searchable labels and tags;
  • Call chains;
  • Charts;
  • Contracts debugger;
  • And much more.

Sounds promising already, huh? But on top of this, the explorer will get a new fancy design.

Wallet API

The Everscale Wallet API was initially designed for exchanges that require a fast and reliable way to interact with the network. Today lots of different services use it directly or indirectly.

However, to keep up to pace with blockchain development, we are planning to add the following features to it:

  • Support of new token standard (including migration support);
  • Contract calls;
  • Offline signature for multisig transactions and corresponding transfers;
  • Methods for working with NFTs.

Cross-chain expansion

With lots of underperforming blockchains out there, we aim to build sustainable partnerships with strong teams from their ecosystems and bring users and liquidity to Everscale.

It started with Dexada — the project collaborating with, where Broxus serves as a technological partner and advisor — and will continue with several other networks.


Depools are a unique and killer feature of the Everscale network, yet they are not simple. To help institutional investors feel safe and analyze depools in detail, we have built Ever Pools.

With the upcoming concept of dElectors (combined decentralized pools and elector contracts), we will make specific improvements to the product:

  • Support of dElectors;
  • Collections of depools;
  • Smart investing;
  • Boosted staking.

Corporate website

Being a small yet essential piece of our ecosystem, will receive several improvements to make it a critical information hub about all our products and the primary touchpoint with our team:

  • Documentation hub;
  • Blog;
  • Legal and compliance information;
  • Better FAQ;
  • Vacancies;
  • New support tools.

New territories

Besides the products we already have, Broxus will be actively expanding to new promising segments:

  • GameFi index. This index product will allow professional investors to enter the GameFi market quickly, making the best of the most popular projects in this area;
  • Metaverse. With a whole new world being born in front of our eyes, Broxus is thrilled to dive into it and stake out a place for Everscale. We have several small projects already in the works and will be performing a set of experiments with them;
  • Corporate blockchains based on Everscale technology. We aim to cover the demand of big institutions for their personal needs using the most advanced technology to date. Everscale may benefit from a strong liquidity inflow thanks to bridges with such blockchains.

Branding and communication

Yes, yes, we know — Broxus marketing sucks.

Yet 2022 will become the year of the loud voice, and we aim to improve our communication level radically and become more transparent and accessible.

With a new communication strategy, we aim to keep you informed about the things we are working on, our releases, the ideas in our heads, and so on — through a bunch of different channels:

  • Public task boards to keep track of development;
  • Regular AMA sessions to dispel doubts;
  • Professional SMM channels in primary crypto-related media;
  • Omni-format product tutorials, starting from a general FAQ to pro videos;
  • Personal Twitter accounts for team members, where they share their positions on market events and let you get a sneak-peek behind the curtains;
  • Better digital media distribution, to let a much wider audience know about our products;
  • Presence at important events and hosting our own ones (meetups, hackathons, etc.);
  • Improved support channels.

By the way, this article is the first step to better transparency 😉

One more important thing to announce is that we are working on our new identity, which shall be ready by the end of Q1. Broxus will receive its own graphical language, including a new logo, fonts, colors, and so on — to better reflect our vision and positioning.

The change will also affect the naming of our DeFi projects. Having TON in the name is a no go now, so we have chosen several new names that are being checked for availability.

Team and corporate structure

Not so many people know how Broxus operates to deliver such great results. Still, the recipe is straightforward: we only work with professionals and give them exciting and challenging tasks.

Each member of the Broxus team is cherry-picked after thorough filtering, and that is why most of us are self-sufficient leaders with a high level of responsibility.

Although we have some coworking places where we meet occasionally, we prefer not to waste time traveling to the office and back and focus on remote work instead. Such an approach lets team members choose from where they work. Broxus is present in Russia, Serbia, Turkiye, UAE, Czech Republic, Georgia — or what we call “the truly decentralized organization” as a joke.

However, in 2022 we plan to move even further and organize comfortable co-working areas in several countries where team members, friends, and partners can meet, work, and communicate.

Last but not least, we are improving our legal structure to reflect our new approach to running the business and be more transparent for current and coming investors.


Great news: we are hiring! By the end of February, we plan to open several vacancies to help us maintain our exponential growth.



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This is the official Medium account of Broxus, developer of,, EVER Wallet &