New EVER Wallet Google Chrome update brings NFTs closer to users

Evgenii Vlasov
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2022

The main goal of this EVER Wallet update is to add support for NFTs in the wallet.

1. User NFTs are now displayed in the “NFT” section, which has replaced the “Transactions” section. You still can access your token transaction history by clicking on any assets available on the list.

2. NFTs are displayed in the wallet and embbed into NFT “Collections”. Here you can toggle between in-line and tile displays of your collections.

3. After the update, users that own NFTs will be able to see them in their wallets along with the collections the NFTs belong to according to the whitelist created by Broxus.

4. If you don’t see your NFT in your wallet, you can click the “Add” button to manually add your NFT to your wallet. However, please note that you can only add NFTs that you own.

In order to add an NFT to your wallet:
- Enter the address of your NFT
- Enter the address of the collection that your NFT belongs to

If you enter the address of an NFT that you do not own, or the address of a collection that does not correspond with the NFT you own, you will receive an error message.

5. By clicking on the “Collection” icon, you can:
- See the descriptions of different collections
- Go to the collection page on
- Hide a collection. In order to view a hidden collection again in your wallet, you’ll have to add it again by clicking on the “Add” button.
- Arrange your NFTs in your in-line or tile display

6. By clicking on the “NFT” button, you can:
- See the name of your NFT
- Go to the NFT Contract page on
- Go to the NFT Owner page on
- Transfer your NFTs

7. By clicking on the “Transfer NFT” button, you can send an NFT to another wallet by entering the destination wallet’s address. You can send an NFT to any address. NFTs can be transferred to another account as long as the account in question is not engaged in an auction or a sale at the moment the NFT is sent.

8. When a user receives an NFT, they will get a notification in their wallet informing them. The NFT’s corresponding collection will be added automatically.

The circle with a number indicating the quantity of new NFTs is displayed:
- In the title of the NFT tab
- On the collection avatar, if you are using the tile display
- Next to the name of a collection, if you are using the in-line display

9. DENS addresses can also be added and transferred as individual NFTs.

10. Last but not least, on the main page of the EVER Wallet, the total value of your assets is now displayed in its equivalent in US dollars instead of EVER tokens.

